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The Responsibility to Protect and the Failures of the United Nations Security Council

ISBN13: 9781509968701
Published: December 2022
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2020)
Price: £41.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781509930807

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What can be done if the United Nations Security Council fails to protect people from mass atrocities? At a time of inaction and political paralysis at the United Nations, this book explains the legality of alternative action beyond the Security Council.

This book takes a fresh look at the responsibility to protect and offers new and compelling insights into the powers and limits of the UN Security Council. It argues that the Security Council's responsibility to maintain international peace and security, and its responsibility to protect, do not die with its own failures. Other actors can and must take up responsibility to save those in need. In a persuasive and detailed examination of the legal framework, this research identifies options for coercive measures to be taken beyond the Council that could be used to break the deadlock, including through the General Assembly and regional organisations. It provides a must-have resource for students, academics, and researchers on key principles of international law. It also offers insight for governments, policy-makers, and other international actors on how they can uphold their legal responsibilities, maintain peace and security, and prevent their failures from undermining the very existence of the UN itself.

Public International Law
I. A Warning to Humanity
1. The Scope and Aim of this Book
2. The Myth of Humanitarian Intervention
3. Between Illegality and Inaction
II. The Responsibility to Protect
1. The ICISS Report
2. Response to the ICISS Report
3. Implementation of the World Summit Outcome
4. Conclusions
III. The Legal Responsibilities of the United Nations Security Council
1. The Security Council's Responsibility to Protect
2. The Responsibility to Maintain International Peace and Security
3. The Failures of the Security Council
4. The Tertiary Responsibility to Protect – A Continuum of Responsibility
5. Conclusions
IV. The Tertiary Responsibility and Forcible Measures
1. The Prohibition of Force
2. The Original Interpretation of Article 2(4)
3. The Mechanics of Article 2(4)
4. Force Beyond the Security Council?
5. Conclusions
V. The Tertiary Responsibility and Non-Forcible Measures
1. The Principle of Non-Intervention
2. Countermeasures
3. Conclusion on Coercive Measures
VI. Implementing the Tertiary Responsibility to Protect
1. The Tertiary Responsibility within the UN
2. The Tertiary Responsibility Beyond the United Nations
3. Conclusions
VII. General Conclusions

Series: Studies in International Law

Rebellious Jurisprudence: Judicial Dissent and International Law ISBN 9781509920112
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A Central Asian Perspective on International Law ISBN 9781509935499
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Responses to Sea Migration and the Rule of Law (eBook) ISBN 9781509978496
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Responses to Sea Migration and the Rule of Law ISBN 9781509978489
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Prosecutorial Discretion at the International Criminal Court ISBN 9781509944101
Published January 2022
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The Readmission of Asylum Seekers under International Law ISBN 9781509954759
Published August 2021
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Predictability and Flexibility in the Law of Maritime Delimitation ISBN 9781509952144
Published June 2021
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Human Rights Commitments of Islamic States: Sharia, Treaties and Consensus ISBN 9781509919703
Published December 2020
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Prosecutorial Discretion at the International Criminal Court ISBN 9781509928682
Published July 2020
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Prosecutorial Discretion at the International Criminal Court (eBook) ISBN 9781509928699
Published July 2020
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The Readmission of Asylum Seekers under International Law ISBN 9781509902491
Published February 2020
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The Readmission of Asylum Seekers under International Law (eBook) ISBN 9781509902521
Published February 2020
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Out of print