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Do eBooks work on all eReaders?

As there are new devices being produced weekly, it is impossible to guarantee compatibility of all makes and models of eReader. However the majority of eReaders will work with these eBooks. The notable exception is the Amazon Kindle. If in doubt please contact us via ebooks@wildy.com.

What is an ePub?

ePub is the standard eBook format that makes it possible to optimise and customise text and images for both large displays like a desktop computer and small screens like smartphones. Sometimes the format is also referred to as ‘flowing text’.

What is a PDF?

PDF, or Portable Document Format, is the standard format for document interchange created by Adobe.

Can I buy eBooks for my Kindle?

No, sorry Kindle is a ‘closed’ device so only content bought from Amazon can be veiwed on a Kindle.

How does DRM affect the ePub format?

If you want to read an eBook, your e-reader device or application must be compatible with both the file format and the DRM format of the eBook. You will need Adobe Digital Editions in order to download and read ePub files

What does DRM- protected mean?

Digital Rights Management (DRM) ensure that the person who buys an eBook is its sole owner and is unable to share the file with others. DRM specification for each eBook are set by the publishers who own the respective copyrights.

What are the eBook file type options PDF and ePub?

PDF stands for Portable Document File. As its name implies the document can be read on many different devices. The text and graphics in the document are fixed to the page much like a physical document. ePub stands for Electronic Publication. The content of this is ‘reflowable’ meaning that the document displayed can be optimised for the device it is being displayed on, much like a web page on a computer. This is usually the preferred option for an eBook.

Where can I get help with Adobe Digital Editions?

The Adobe Digital Editions Home page …here

Do I have to pay for Adobe Digital Editions?

No. The software provided by Adobe is totally free.

Why should I authorise my computer when installing Adobe Digital Editions?

By authorising your computer you will link all your eBook purchases to your Adobe account. This means that you can then transfer those eBooks to other computers. If you have eBooks on multiple computers, you need to authorize each one with Digital Editions prior to transferring eBooks between them. Conversely if you do not authorise your computer, DRM protected items that you have already downloaded or will download later are tied to that particular computer and are not readable on other computers or devices. They also can’t be restored from backup if the operating system is reinstalled.

How can I authorise my Adobe Digital Editions without reinstalling it?

Digital Editions has an “Authorize (sic) this computer” menu item that you can use after initial installation.

What do I do if I’m having a problem downloading or accessing my eBooks?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help! We’ll need some information from you to help us solve your problem. Usually we’ll want to know what version of Adobe Digital Editions you have, where you are attempting to download your eBook and where in the process the error occurred, a screen print of any error message, what device you’re using, browser etc. Problems don’t happen often but when they do they are usually quick and easy to resolve.

One particular problem that may occur at work.

If you are trying to connect from work you may find your company has a strict Firewall Policy or anti-virus software that is preventing the download. You might want to speak to your IT Department and get them to allow communication via Port 8080 as this is the port used for delivery.

Can I share my purchased eBooks with others?

eBook copyright rules only allow the purchaser to use the eBook for personal use. You may however put the eBook onto more than one device that is registered to you.

Can I download my eBook to more than one device?

Yes, as long as the device is registered within your Bookshelf* software, you can share your eBook on up to 6 authorised devices.

How do I return an eBook ordered in error?

Once an eBook order has been placed we cannot refund it regardless of whether the eBook has been downloaded to your computer or not.

I have downloaded an eBook to my bookshelf Software but cannot see it.

Please make sure that your Bookshelf Software is regularly updated, if it is not the newest version then this may be the reason your eBook is not visible on your Bookshelf. Please do make sure that when you are asked if you want to “Open” or “Save” the eBook link that you choose the “Open” button.”

I have downloaded the eBook to my Sony eBook reader but it vanishes after a day or two.

Please update your Sony eBook reader software to the most current version

My downloaded eBook will not open

There can be a number of reasons that an eBook will not open, but the main reason is that the Bookshelf software needs to be updated. Please check that you have the most current version installed on your system.

Can I print my eBook?

This will vary from eBook to eBook as the rules governing the printing are dictated by the publisher. Most publishers will only allow a percentage of the eBook to be printed and some none at all.

Do eBooks get updated as new revisions are released?

No. Much the same as a physical book, new revisions would require a new purchase.

What is ‘Bookshelf software’?

An essential piece of software that allows you to decrypt and read the downloaded eBook. (These eBooks work with the following Bookshelf Software: Adobe Digital Editions (ADE), Sony Reader for PC and Blue Fire).