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Regulating Hedge Funds in the EU

ISBN13: 9789403535128
Published: January 2022
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £99.00

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>Hedge funds remain the most controversial vehicles of the alternative investment funds universe. Their opaque nature, alleged role in major crises around the world and perceived lack of investor protection have repeatedly led to calls for greater regulation. Yet despite its tremendous growth, the hedge fund industry is still shrouded in a veil of mystery largely due to the highly complex and dynamic trading strategies employed by hedge funds and the scarcity of information about them. For the first time in one comprehensive volume, this concise but thorough guide explains how hedge funds work, analyses risk, compares the European Union (EU) and United States (US) systems and proposes reforms to the European framework in order to improve its resilience.

Focusing on the contribution of the hedge fund industry to systemic risk, the author elucidates the complex world of hedge funds and the legal issues linked to it. The analysis proceeds as follows:

  • introduction to the world of hedge funds – definition, main characteristics, organizational structure, investment strategies, and benefits
  • deeply informed exploration of the dangers posed by hedge funds
  • documentation and examination of the major incidents connecting hedge funds and financial crises
  • rationales for regulation of hedge funds
  • comparison of relevant legislative developments in the US and EU, and
  • proposals for strengthening the current EU supervisory and regulatory framework

Guiding legislation, such as the EU Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive and the US Dodd-Frank Act, is analysed, along with topical issues such as hedge fund activism.

Because the direction that hedge fund regulation takes in the future has implications for the Eurozone and systemic risk in the wider financial system, this book will be of immeasurable value to professionals in both the legal and business communities. It will be welcomed by corporate lawyers, regulatory authorities, policymakers and academics in both business-related and finance-related disciplines.

Banking and Finance
List of Abbreviations
CHAPTER 1. The Hedge Fund Phenomenon
CHAPTER 2. Regulating Hedge Funds?
CHAPTER 3. Hedge Fund Regulation in the US and the EU in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis
CHAPTER 4. A Modest Proposal for Improving the Current EU Supervisory and Regulatory Regime
Concluding Remarks


Series: European Company Law Series

Out of print
Twenty Years of European Company Law: Developments and Challenges in European Company Law ISBN 9789403521183
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Regulating Hedge Funds in the EU (eBook) ISBN 9789403535135
Published January 2022
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Abuse of Companies ISBN 9789403508924
Published October 2019
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Abuse of Companies (eBook) ISBN 9789403508955
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Third-Party Certifiers ISBN 9789403510910
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Boards of Directors in European Companies ISBN 9789041141415
Published December 2013
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Corporate Governance as a Limited Legal Concept ISBN 9789041128737
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Towards a Sustainable European Company Law ISBN 9789041127686
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Piercing the Corporate Veil: A Transnational Approach ISBN 9789041125910
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European Company Law in Accelerated Progress ISBN 9789041125293
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