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The Promotion and Licensing of Petroleum Prospective Acreage

ISBN13: 9789041117120
ISBN: 9041117121
Published: January 2002
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £237.00

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This work is based on more than ten years experience in conducting tenders for the licensing of petroleum prospective acreage on behalf of a number of sovereign governments in Europe, Africa and the former Soviet Union. It explains the processes of licensing from the points of view of the two main protagonists: the government bodies and the international oil companies.

The book also gives due prominence to the interests of the host communities and to the environment, as well as to the neighbouring states and the other participants who may be affected by the licensing process. In the modern world, petroleum licensing takes place in the full glare of attention from the press and from public opinion. This work recommends ways in which government and the oil companies may devise best practice in licensing to serve the interest of all parties.

Energy and Natural Resources Law
T. Walde.
About the author.
1. International aspects of petroleum promotion and licensing.
2. Government policy in the Petroleum Sector.
3. Government institutions in licensing in the petroleum sector.
4. The Definition of Acreage for Licensing.
5. The Bid/Tender Process.
6. The Call for Tenders, an official government document.
7. The Promotion of the Investment Opportunity.
8. Evaluation of the IOC tenders.
9. Announcement of Bid Qualified IOCs, negotiations commence.
10. Bringing negotiations to a successful conclusion.

Series: International Energy and Resources Law and Policy

Electricity Trade in Europe: Review of Economic and Regulatory Challenges ISBN 9789041122797
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Kluwer Law International
Exploitation of Natural Resources in the 21st Century ISBN 9789041120632
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Out of print
Negotiating Mining Agreements: Past, Present and Future Trends ISBN 9789041196736
Published January 1999
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Environmental Regulation of Oil and Gas ISBN 9789041107268
Published October 1998
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Liquefied Natural Gas: Developing and Financing International Energy Projects ISBN 9789041196644
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Co-operative Agreements in the Extractive Petroleum Industry ISBN 9789041109262
Published October 1996
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The Energy Charter Treaty: An East-West Gateway for Investment and Trade ISBN 9789041109132
Published June 1996
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International Oil and Gas Investment: Movin Eastward? ISBN 9781853339639
Published July 1994
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Insurance and Legal Issues in the Oil Industry
Edited by: David Peng
ISBN 9781853339134
Published October 1993
Kluwer Law International
Natural Gas in the Internal Market ISBN 9781853337956
Published December 1992
Kluwer Law International
Publication Abandoned