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Environmental Regulation of Oil and Gas

Edited by: Zhiguo Gao

ISBN13: 9789041107268
ISBN: 9041107266
Published: October 1998
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £388.00

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This work focuses specifically on environmental regulation of oil and gas. It contains in-depth articles on petroleum environmental regulation and management, written by well-known scholars, international lawyers and practitioners from around the world.

The text deals with the environmental aspect of the hydrocarbon cycle in general and oil and gas exploration and production in particular, and its main thrust is management of environmental legal risks and issues in upstream operations. Part of the objective of the text is to introduce the best practices and legal tools of environmental management of petroleum exploration and production to the international oil community and other parties interested in the subject.

Energy and Natural Resources Law
Part I: Introduction.
1. Environmental Regulation of Oil and Gas in the 20th Century and Beyond: An Introduction and Overview
Zhiguo Gao. Part II: International Regulation.
2. The Oil and Gas Industry in the Tangled Web of Environmental Regulations: Spider or Fly? A. Dias.
3. International Legal Regime for the Protection of the Marine Environment Against Pollution from Offshore Petroleum Activities
S. Vinogradov, J.P. Wagner.
4. International Law on Offshore Abandonment: Recent Developments, Current Issues and Future Directions
Zhiguo Gao. Part III: Regional Regulation.
5. European Union Environmental Law and Policy in Relation to Oil and Gas Activities
D.A. Reid.
6. The European Energy Charter and Treaty and the Environment
R. Griffith.
7. Regional Perspective on Trade and Environment: The European Union
J. Scherer. Part IV: National Regulation.
8. Environmental Regulation of the Oil and Gas Industry in the U.S.A.
J.E. Hickey, Jr.
9. The Oil Industry and the Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Environmental Law
E.E. Smith.
10. Environmental Issues in International Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
J.A. Kotvis.
11. Directions in European and the United Kingdom Environmental Policy and Legislations
C. Napier. Part V: Corporate Environmental Management.
12. Approaches to Minimizing the Environmental and Social Impacts of Oil Development in the Tropics
A.B. Rosenfeld, et al.
13. Quality Standards for Corporate Environmental Management
P. Wenman.
14. Managing Environmental Legal Risks in Oil and Gas E&P Activities
K. Armstrong. Part VI: Contractual, Downstream and Sustainability Issues.
15. Environmental Concepts in Petroleum Exploration Contracts
I.L. Worika.
16. Downstream Energy: Resuming a Leadership Role
J.C. Gault.
17. Sustainable Development of Petroleum Resources: The Rumpus and Resolution
S.W. Onuosa.

Series: International Energy and Resources Law and Policy

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Exploitation of Natural Resources in the 21st Century ISBN 9789041120632
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The Promotion and Licensing of Petroleum Prospective Acreage ISBN 9789041117120
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Negotiating Mining Agreements: Past, Present and Future Trends ISBN 9789041196736
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Liquefied Natural Gas: Developing and Financing International Energy Projects ISBN 9789041196644
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Co-operative Agreements in the Extractive Petroleum Industry ISBN 9789041109262
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The Energy Charter Treaty: An East-West Gateway for Investment and Trade ISBN 9789041109132
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International Oil and Gas Investment: Movin Eastward? ISBN 9781853339639
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Insurance and Legal Issues in the Oil Industry
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Published October 1993
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Natural Gas in the Internal Market ISBN 9781853337956
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Publication Abandoned