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Negotiating Mining Agreements: Past, Present and Future Trends

ISBN13: 9789041196736
ISBN: 9041196730
Published: January 1999
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £237.00

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Mining agreements (MAs) often reflect governments' political aspirations. To allow their deals to conclude with minimum risk and maximum benefit, mining investors must know and understand the motivating factors of the governments of applicable countries, and their consequences.

The form and substance of MAs vary considerably and may be adapted to suit a country's particular legal and socioeconomic framework and the peculiarities of the sector of the mining industry concerned. Developing countries are now relentlessly competing for investment funds, offering attractive conditions for transnational mining companies. In developed countries, on the other hand, the desires to protect the environment and to guarantee or restore natives' rights have caused a downward shift in investment priorities.

This text: sets out the various forms an MA can take; examines the key role played by national political will in MA negotiation through an analysis of MA evolution in four host countries - Australia, Chile, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, all of which are particularly attractive countries for foreign mineral investment; explores the main trends in the evolution of MA content over the past 30 years - including the dramatic increase in environmental requirements, the growing concern over natives' rights, and the decrease in economic rent and equity shares; traces the trends' origin in the HCs' political will with the TMCs' need for stability; and explains how to write an MA that will stand the test of time.

These features position this work to provide participants in the running industry - transnational and mining companies, national governments, and international organizations - with bargaining solutions for the mining agreements of the future and to heighten their awareness of actual present and foreseeable changes in the political, social and investment climate.

Energy and Natural Resources Law
Mineral sector regulatory approach
political factors affecting the mining agreement bargaining process
the diversity in the forms of modern mining agreement arising from changes in host-country political will
how trends in the evolution of mining agreements relate to political will
host-countries' changing political will versus transnational mining companies' need for stability
findings, viewpoints and conclusions.

Series: International Energy and Resources Law and Policy

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Co-operative Agreements in the Extractive Petroleum Industry ISBN 9789041109262
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International Oil and Gas Investment: Movin Eastward? ISBN 9781853339639
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Insurance and Legal Issues in the Oil Industry
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Natural Gas in the Internal Market ISBN 9781853337956
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Publication Abandoned