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Electricity Trade in Europe: Review of Economic and Regulatory Challenges

Edited by: Janusz Bielecki

ISBN13: 9789041122797
ISBN: 9041122796
Published: May 2004
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £231.00

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Liberalisation in the power sector is high on the agenda of policy makers, regulators and the industry around the world. There is growing recognition of the benefits of power market liberalisation and the need to further integrate regional markets in a liberal trade and investment environment.

This volume brings together articles written by leading experts in the field of electricity, trade and regulation in Europe. Organised in two Parts, the contributions cover a range of issues from market structure, trade flows, infrastructure and investment to the regulatory framework within which the industry operates, including international trade rules and national technical, environmental and regulatory regimes.

These are complex and sensitive issues requiring an in depth understanding of the economics and regulation of electricity trade and the primary object of this volume is to contribute to an informed debate on the subject. To this end, the contributors demonstrate how a competition-friendly and liberal environment for electricity trade, including a system of nondiscriminatory and transparent access to transmission and distribution networks, could contribute to improving market integration, economic efficiency, supply security and environmental health.

Series: International Energy and Resources Law and Policy

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Negotiating Mining Agreements: Past, Present and Future Trends ISBN 9789041196736
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Environmental Regulation of Oil and Gas ISBN 9789041107268
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Liquefied Natural Gas: Developing and Financing International Energy Projects ISBN 9789041196644
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Co-operative Agreements in the Extractive Petroleum Industry ISBN 9789041109262
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The Energy Charter Treaty: An East-West Gateway for Investment and Trade ISBN 9789041109132
Published June 1996
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International Oil and Gas Investment: Movin Eastward? ISBN 9781853339639
Published July 1994
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Insurance and Legal Issues in the Oil Industry
Edited by: David Peng
ISBN 9781853339134
Published October 1993
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Natural Gas in the Internal Market ISBN 9781853337956
Published December 1992
Kluwer Law International
Publication Abandoned