Petroleum, Industry and Governments discusses the interaction between Governments and Industry in exploring for and producing petroleum. The grave concern of governments for the negative impact on the world climate caused by the release into the atmosphere of CO2 from human activity, and under human control, such as the burning and combustion of oil products from the refinery, of natural gas and coal (the fossil fuels) made it possible for the international community to agree to and establish a global climate agreement, viz. The Paris Agreement of 1915. Nevertheless, the fossil fuels prove to be indispensable for the coming decades, in particular for the less advanced economies taken thereby into account the relentless growth of the world population, the absence of an electric infrastructure in great parts of the world and most importantly public opposition to switching to the use of nuclear fission energy.
What’s in this book:
With all statistics and projections regarding reserves, production and consumption of oil and natural gas having been updated, this fourth edition encompasses the following and much more:
How this will help you:
With its broad scope, the book takes into account law, economics and government of policy, especially interesting for business lawyers, petroleum venture managers and government officials. As so much continues to happen in the realm covered by this book, all who depend on its previous editions will need this updated and significantly rewritten edition. This book proved to be an indispensable resource for petroleum venture managers and lawyers, independent consultants, and other professionals required to advise concerning the economic, regulatory, and cooperative aspects of petroleum operations.