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Handbook on European Nuclear Law: Competences of the Euratom Community under the Euratom Treaty

ISBN13: 9789403528304
Published: November 2020
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £99.00

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Handbook on European Nuclear Law provides systematic analysis and evaluation of the competences of Euratom Community conferred under the Euratom Treaty. The historical aspects of the origin of the Euratom Treaty constitute important background information that helps one to understand the competences of the Euratom Community. While the European Economic Community has evolved through the decades into a legal entity of the European Union (EU), the substantive law contained in the 1957 Euratom Treaty was never amended. Recurring legal discussions of the treaty’s potentially obsolete nature give rise to this much-needed handbook.

What’s in this book:

Following the structure of the Euratom Treaty, the author analyses and evaluates the scope, content, exercise, and case law of the Euratom Communities’ competences in the following fields:

  • promotion of research, with reference to the horizon research programmes
  • dissemination of information
  • health and safety, including environmental protection
  • investments
  • joint undertakings
  • nuclear supplies
  • safeguards
  • property ownership of fissile materials
  • the nuclear common market, and
  • the Community’s external relations

How this will help you:

With its systematic, chapter-by-chapter analysis of competences of the Euratom Community under the Euratom Treaty, this book will be welcomed by lawyers and negotiators working in the nuclear field, researchers in nuclear law and in the broader competences of the EU, and policymakers in the European nuclear sector, and it will prove to be a user-friendly and an easy-to-use handbook.

Energy and Natural Resources Law
List of Abbreviations
CHAPTER I. Introduction
CHAPTER II. Evaluation of Competences under the Euratom Treaty
CHAPTER III. General Aspects of the Euratom Community’s Competences
Specific Euratom Community Competences
CHAPTER 1. Promotion of Research
CHAPTER 2. Dissemination of Information
CHAPTER 3. Health and Safety
CHAPTER 4. Investments
CHAPTER 5. Joint Undertakings
CHAPTER 6. Supplies
CHAPTER 7. Safeguards
CHAPTER 8. Property Ownership
CHAPTER 9. The Nuclear Common Market
CHAPTER 10. External Relations
Conclusions of This Study
EU Law, Cases, Regulatory Decisions
EU Documents and Communications
International Legal Acts and Documents

Series: Energy and Environmental Law and Policy Series

The Instrumentalisation of Property: Legal Interests in the EU Emissions Trading System ISBN 9789041154200
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International Energy Investment Law: Stability Through Contractual Clauses ISBN 9789041134110
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Compensating Catastrophe Victims: A Comparative Law and Economics Approach ISBN 9789041132635
Published October 2010
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Maritime Pollution Liability and Policy: China, Europe and the U.S. ISBN 9789041128690
Published October 2010
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The Role of the Judiciary in Environmental Governance: Comparative Perspectives ISBN 9789041127082
Published May 2009
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Legal Systems and Wind Energy: A Comparative Perspective ISBN 9789041128317
Published March 2009
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