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International Food Law: How Food Law can Balance Health, Environment and Animal Welfare

ISBN13: 9789403517612
Published: May 2021
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £132.00

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International Food Law is a useful guide that critically analyses under an ethical and legal point of view if the current food production process based on the industrialization of agriculture and over-exploitation of natural resources is appropriate to guarantee a sustainable development, respectful of the right to adequate nutrition of future generations. The growth of the world population and the major request for nutriment raises the issue of how to conciliate the right to food with the protection of the environment and biodiversity, of human health and animal welfare. Few aspects of today’s food system demand such an urgent response as our ability to produce sustainable nutrition. Yet at the same time as malnutrition plagues the world, overuse of land, water, and energy in the agricultural and livestock sectors exacerbates environmental degradation and climate change. This important book, focusing on the interrelation between food law, environmental law, and animal law, investigates the main legal issues related to food regulation in a global context.

What’s in this book:

The book’s chapters, written by eminent scholars and leading experts at Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) from different legal backgrounds and countries, explore such issues and topics linked to food production as the following:

  • concentrated animal feeding operations
  • relation between human health and animal welfare
  • manufacturing, trade, and distribution of food products
  • human rights concepts of right to food and right to health
  • the COVID-19 Pandemic and the One Health Approach
  • genetically modified organisms
  • deforestation, habitat destruction and zoonoses
  • naming and labelling of food, and
  • food risk management

Throughout, there is a reference to food law and regulations on a domestic, regional, and international level, with particular attention to the European Union (EU), the U.S., the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the work of the FAO.

How this will help you:

As an insightful analysis of the main challenges of modern food law in the COVID-19 era, in its authoritative discussion of the relations among fields of law that are rarely discussed together – food law and the environment, food law and human rights, food law and animal welfare – this collection of chapters will prove to be a valuable resource for both experts working in food governance and security and for lawyers and scholars concerned with environmental management, sustainable development, and human rights around the world.

Food Law
Part I. Setting the Scene: International Food Law
CHAPTER 1. International Food Law: History and Evolution
Uche Ewelukwa Ofodile
CHAPTER 2. Right to Food in International Law
Margherita Brunori & Pier Filippo Giuggioli
CHAPTER 3. The UN Decade of Action on Nutrition: Opportunities and Challenges in a Time of a Pandemic
Khaled Eltaweel
CHAPTER 4. The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and the 2050 Food Challenge
Domenico Pignone
CHAPTER 5. Codex Alimentarius: Safe, Good Food for Everyone – Everywhere
Tom Heilandt
CHAPTER 6. Food Safety under WTO Law
Daria Boklan
CHAPTER 7. Checking Compliance with Food Law: Control, Inspection and Approval Procedures under the WTO SPS Agreement
Denise Prévost
CHAPTER 8. Food Production and Animal Welfare: An International Law Perspective
Ilja Richard Pavone
Part II. Selected Cases and Legislations and European Food Law
CHAPTER 9. Right to Food and Food Security: A Comparative Prospective
Francesco Alicino
CHAPTER 10. Regulating Health Claims: An International Comparison
Jill E. Hobbs, Stavroula Malla & May T. Yeung
CHAPTER 11. Food Safety in the United States
Alexia Brunet Marks
CHAPTER 12. CAFOs: Climate Change, Livestock Production and the Law
Justo Corti Varela
CHAPTER 13. An Overview of EU Food Law
Luchino Ferraris
CHAPTER 14. EU Agricultural Law and the Common Agricultural Policy
Alberto Germanò & Eva Rook Basile
CHAPTER 15. Food Safety System in the EU
Maria Pia Ragionieri
CHAPTER 16. Food Waste in EU Food Law
David Röttgen & Francesca Allocco
CHAPTER 17. The EU Policy to Protect Bees: The Restrictions to the Use of Neonicotinoids and the Emergency Authorizations Granted by MS – In Search of a Long-Term Strategy on Pesticides
Daniela Corona
CHAPTER 18. Biotechnology and Food and Feed Safety Assessment
Gijs A. Kleter & Harry A. Kuiper

Series: Energy and Environmental Law and Policy Series

The Instrumentalisation of Property: Legal Interests in the EU Emissions Trading System ISBN 9789041154200
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International Energy Investment Law: Stability Through Contractual Clauses ISBN 9789041134110
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Compensating Catastrophe Victims: A Comparative Law and Economics Approach ISBN 9789041132635
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Maritime Pollution Liability and Policy: China, Europe and the U.S. ISBN 9789041128690
Published October 2010
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The Role of the Judiciary in Environmental Governance: Comparative Perspectives ISBN 9789041127082
Published May 2009
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Legal Systems and Wind Energy: A Comparative Perspective ISBN 9789041128317
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