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Vertical Natural Gas Transportation Capacity, Upstream Commodity Contracts and EU Competition Law

ISBN13: 9789041134073
Published: May 2011
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £140.00

Usually despatched in 1 to 3 weeks.

Because the EU depends on a very small number of external suppliers for its natural gas, energy security issues inevitably arise. In theory, competition law should regulate and adjudicate such issues. Yet, because contracts between EU companies and producers are highly sensitive and politically charged, the application of EU competition law to natural gas contracts is far from clear.

This important book, drawing on ECJ case law, Commission administrative cases and inquiries, and the full range of relevant legal and economic theory, provides an extremely valuable and detailed study of how EU competition law can be applied to long-term natural gas capacity reservation and commodity contracts. Issues and topics such as the following arise in the course of the analysis:-

  • Third Gas Market Directive provisions;
  • Article 102 TFEU cases on strategic under-investment;
  • pre-liberation or “legacy” gas contracts (e.g., with Algeria and Russia);
  • “right of first refusal”;
  • take-or-pay requirement;
  • third-party access;
  • ownership unbundling;
  • effect of elimination of priority access regimes;
  • short-term trading;
  • spot markets; and
  • law and economics of vertical restraints.

Focusing on the foreclosing effect of long-term upstream commodity contracts, the author recommends restrictions on the use of capacity reservation contracts, and analyses the efficacy of security of supply as a competition law defence in cases relating to such contracts.

In addition to its substantial value to academics and policymakers as a significant contribution to competition law theory and practice, this book will also be widely welcomed by all concerned with European energy security or the changes in the traditional contractual structures underpinning EU natural gas trade. With a foreword by Jonathan Sterns

Energy and Natural Resources Law
Introductory Chapter.
EU Natural Gas Markets and Long-Term Contracting – An Overview of Economic and Political Aspects.
Security of Supply in the European Union.
Key EU Gas Market Regulation Relating to Long-Term Contracting.
The Application of EU Competition Law in Natural Gas Markets – Background and Developments.
Compatibility of Vertical Natural Gas Transportation Capacity, Commodity Contracts and EU Competition Law.
Security of Supply as Objective Justification.

Series: Energy and Environmental Law and Policy Series

The Instrumentalisation of Property: Legal Interests in the EU Emissions Trading System ISBN 9789041154200
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International Energy Investment Law: Stability Through Contractual Clauses ISBN 9789041134110
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Compensating Catastrophe Victims: A Comparative Law and Economics Approach ISBN 9789041132635
Published October 2010
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Maritime Pollution Liability and Policy: China, Europe and the U.S. ISBN 9789041128690
Published October 2010
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The Role of the Judiciary in Environmental Governance: Comparative Perspectives ISBN 9789041127082
Published May 2009
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Legal Systems and Wind Energy: A Comparative Perspective ISBN 9789041128317
Published March 2009
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