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From Rights to Management

Terry CarneyFaculty of Law, University of Sydney, Australia, Gaby . Ramia

ISBN13: 9789041118899
ISBN: 9041118896
Published: August 2002
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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This study addresses the transformation of the concept of work between the years 1970 and 2000. The authors remind us of what we now might easily forget: that, not so long ago, the right of an unemployed person to social security benefits and services was not questioned. Over the years, this right has been gradually replaced by a two-way bargain with the state and in the place of this old ""social citizenship"", there has arisen a government-corporate alliance that manages job seekers by contract. The shift from the needs of the person to the demands of business is complete.;The interdisciplinary discussion in the book incorporates debates about civil society, social capital and other germane topics of great concern to scholars, policymakers and administrators in this era of globalization. A deep analysis of the new policy network of social services examines the types of contracts that govern the various parts of the system.

Preface. Acknowledgements. Abbreviations.
1. Introduction.
2. The Old Settlement: Employment Services as 'Social Citizenship'.
3. New Contractualism, Job Network and Individual.
4. New Public Management and the Processing of Rights.
5. Reconstructing the Law: 'Taking Welfare to Market'.
6. Participation, Mutuality and New Protection.
7. Navigating the System: Client Understandings of Their 'Rights'.
8. Security Under 'New' Welfare.
9. Preserving Welfare Citizenship Within Markets? 10. Towards a New Settlement. References. Index.

Series: Series in Employment and Social Policy

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Frans PenningsTilburg University, Netherlands
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What Future for Social Security?
Jochen ClasenUniversity of Sterling, Scotland
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