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Towards a European Model of Industrial Relations?: Building on the First Report of the European Commission

Edited by: Marco Biagi

ISBN13: 9789041116536
ISBN: 9041116532
Published: July 2001
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £144.00

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Since the 1980s, a social dialogue has been in progress concerning industrial relations on a European level. The publication of the first Report of the European Commission on Industrial Relations marks the general acceptance that European Union policy is no longer merely attempting to harmonize national regimes in this area, but focusing instead on the pursuit of such basic aims as keeping workers healthy and safe, ensuring that their interests are represented, and providing some protection from economic uncertainty.;In this book 15 scholars and policymakers from six European countries explore the territory of industrial relations in Europe as it now stands. The important questions for which they provide in-depth materials include: How far has ""Europeanization"" progressed in this field? In what ways does the monetary union affect industrial relations? To what extent is the evolving European policy a ""pact"" between the national employers and trade union organizations? What subtle variations persist in the theme of worker security versus labour market flexibility? What is the ""new style"" of collective bargaining? Is the power of the state government in industrial relations beyond EU intervention?; How will the Nice Charter of Fundamental Rights affect industrial relations? What kinds of labour law and social security legislation may be expected in the near future? How is the globalization of the market economy affecting wages and working time? And how does the prospect of EU enlargement to the East affect industrial relations policy?

Series: Series in Employment and Social Policy

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A Decade Beyond Maastricht: the European Social Dialogue Revisited ISBN 9789041121639
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The Legal Protection of the Pregnant Worker in the European Community ISBN 9789041118424
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From Rights to Management
Terry CarneyFaculty of Law, University of Sydney, Australia, Gaby . Ramia
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Dutch Social Security Law in an International Context
Frans PenningsTilburg University, Netherlands
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What Future for Social Security?
Jochen ClasenUniversity of Sterling, Scotland
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Transnational Labour Regulation ISBN 9789041115836
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The ILO and the Social Challenges of the 21st Century
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