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Job Creation and Labour Law

ISBN13: 9789041114327
ISBN: 9041114327
Published: September 2000
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: £183.00

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The rapid proliferation everywhere of non-standard work arrangements, and the dramatic transformation of labour markets that inevitably follows, raise crucial questions about the future of labour law in national and regional contexts. Is labour law being called upon to perform the new function of promoting employment and actually creating jobs? Is it moving away from its original mission of protecting people at work, and instead protecting and fostering employability? How are labour law regimes in various countries reacting to this pressure? To what extent are they redirecting their focus? Are they in fact resisting the pressure to change and impeding the progress of job creation policies? These are among the vital questions addressed at an international conference organised in Modena, Italy, in April 2000 by the International Club Meeting of Labour Law Periodicals, an informal forum linking a number of reviews from around the world under the auspices of The International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations (IJCLLIR).;This book records the work of this discussion, offering the contributions of outstanding scholars from ten countries in all five continents. In particular, ""Job Creation and Labour Law"" highlights the ongoing debate between those who believe that legislative employment protection has little or no effect on overall employment and those who insist it is an essential factor in ensuring the continuity of a competent and adequate workforce. Scholars, practitioners, lawmakers, and others interested in the changing state of labour law will appreciate the expert authorship and truly international perspective of this insightful work.

Editor's Foreword. Notes on Contributors. Part I: General Reports. Employability in the World of Work in the XXIst Century; R. Blanpain. The Role of Labour Law and Industrial relations in Job Creation Policies; M. Rodriguez-Pinero, et al. Job Creation Strategy, Employment Policy and the Role of Labour Law: Lessons from a Comparative Analysis of U.S. and E.U. Employment Strategies; V. Marleau. The Role of Labour Law and Industrial relations in the Policy of Creating Employment in Latin America; L.A. Valdez, J. Bernedo. Job Creation Policies in Latin America; J.R. Delgue. The Role of European Community Vocational Training Law and Policy within the European Employment Strategy: Simply a Soft Target? S. Ball. Part II: National Reports. Australia: Employment Protection and Employment Promotion -- the Contested Terrain of Australian Labour Law; C. Arup, et al. `Jobstart' and the Regulation of Wage Subsidy Programs in Australia; J. Howe. Belgium: Job Creation Policies in Belgium; R. Blanpain. Germany: Job Creation Policies in Germany -- The Role of Labour Law, Social Security Law and Industrial Relations; M. Weiss, M. Schmidt. The Role of Labour Law and the Social Partners in Job Creation Policies: a German Perspective; R. Buschmann, T. Walter. Italy: The Role of Labour Law in Job Creation Policies: an Italian Perspective; M. Biagi, M. Tiraboschi. The Role of the Italian Social Security System for the Unemployed in the Labour Market; S. Renga. Japan: The Role of Japanese Labour Law in Job Creation Policies; H. Morito, S. Ouchi. Spain: The Role of Spanish Labour Law in Job Creation Policies; C.A. Garcia. United Kingdom: From `Bad Boy' to European Role Model? -- The Strange Legacy of United Kingdom Employment Policies since the Single European Act; A.C. Neal. The United Kingdom Employment Policy: A Success Story? P. Lorber. List of Abbreviations.

Series: Series in Employment and Social Policy

The Changing Institutional Face of British Employment Relations ISBN 9789041125415
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Kluwer Law International
Collective Agreements and Individual Contracts of Employment
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Effective Enforcement of EC Labour Law ISBN 9789041121608
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A Decade Beyond Maastricht: the European Social Dialogue Revisited ISBN 9789041121639
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The Legal Protection of the Pregnant Worker in the European Community ISBN 9789041118424
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From Rights to Management
Terry CarneyFaculty of Law, University of Sydney, Australia, Gaby . Ramia
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Kluwer Law International
Quality of Work and Employee Involvement in Europe
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Published August 2002
Kluwer Law International
Dutch Social Security Law in an International Context
Frans PenningsTilburg University, Netherlands
ISBN 9789041118875
Published July 2002
Kluwer Law International
Labour Law, Human Rights and Social Justice
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Published November 2001
Kluwer Law International
Legal Perspectives on Equal Treatment and Non-discrimination
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Published August 2001
Kluwer Law International
What Future for Social Security?
Jochen ClasenUniversity of Sterling, Scotland
ISBN 9789041116710
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Transnational Labour Regulation ISBN 9789041115836
Published June 2001
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The ILO and the Social Challenges of the 21st Century
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