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Labour Law, Human Rights and Social Justice

ISBN13: 9789041116970
ISBN: 9041116974
Published: November 2001
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: £170.00

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Social justice and the market economy often seem to be on a collision course. Human dignity and equal treatment are of little commodity value. More and more, however, labour law theorists are insisting that, without more serious attention to human rights in the workplace, the dominance of market-driven economics will continue to engender grave and potentially explosive social problems. This collection of essays -- composed in honour of the leading labour law and social security jurist Ruth Ben-Israel -- offers incisive perspectives on this vital aspect of today's post-industrial society. Featuring the most recent views of a virtual who's who of major labour law authorities, the book includes in-depth analyses of such important aspects of the field as the following: + workplace representation; + safety and health at work; + labour conflicts; + labour courts; + the ILO supervisory system; + right to strike; + employee privacy; + enterprise reorganisation; and + treatment of blue collar vs. white collar workers. All issues are treated from a comparative legal viewpoint, with valuable contributions from Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States, Is

Notes on Contributors. Laudatio; R. Blanpain. Curriculum Vitae: Ruth Ben-Israel.
1. The Rise, Fall and Resurrection of Social Dignity; R. Ben-Israel.
2. Cultural and Economic Perspectives Concerning Protection of Workers' Social Dignity; A.L. Goldman.
3. The Transformation of Social Security Systems; B. von Maydell.
4. Expanding the Scope of Employment Law; S.J. Adler.
5. Models of Workplace Representation for an Era of Global Labour and Product Market Competition; S. Estreicher.
6. Ensuring the Right to a Safe and Healthy Working Environment: Where Actions Speak Louder than Words; A.C. Neal.
7. Labour Conflicts, Courts and Social Policy; J.-M. Servais.
8. New Developments in the ILO Supervisory System; M. Rood.
9. Derogations and Restrictions of the Right to Strike in International Law; R. Birk.
10. The European Social Dimension: Problems and Perspectives; T. Treu.
11. The European Top of `Nice'. An Appraisal. Is `Nice' Socially Nice? R. Blanpain.
12. The European Court of Justice, Social Law and the European Social Partners; A. Jacobs.
13. The Quality' Factor in Community Industrial Relations: Building on the First Report of the European Commission; M. Biagi.
14. Privacy of the Employee as a Human Right; M. Goldberg.
15. Fundamental Rights and Labour Law in Germany; M. Weiss.
16. The Decline of a Strong Trade Union: What Can Be Learnt from the Israeli Experience? A. Galin.
17. Enterprise Reorganisation and Protection of Workers; K. Sugeno.
18. The Role of Good Faith in Labour Law; E. Barak.
19. Can the Colour of Your Collar Really Justify a Difference in Treatment? A Case Against the Unconstitutional Difference in Treatment of Blue and White Collar Workers in Belgium; C. Engels. List of publications by Ruth Ben-Israel.

Series: Series in Employment and Social Policy

The Changing Institutional Face of British Employment Relations ISBN 9789041125415
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Collective Agreements and Individual Contracts of Employment
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Effective Enforcement of EC Labour Law ISBN 9789041121608
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A Decade Beyond Maastricht: the European Social Dialogue Revisited ISBN 9789041121639
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The Legal Protection of the Pregnant Worker in the European Community ISBN 9789041118424
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From Rights to Management
Terry CarneyFaculty of Law, University of Sydney, Australia, Gaby . Ramia
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Quality of Work and Employee Involvement in Europe
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Dutch Social Security Law in an International Context
Frans PenningsTilburg University, Netherlands
ISBN 9789041118875
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Kluwer Law International
Legal Perspectives on Equal Treatment and Non-discrimination
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Published August 2001
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What Future for Social Security?
Jochen ClasenUniversity of Sterling, Scotland
ISBN 9789041116710
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Transnational Labour Regulation ISBN 9789041115836
Published June 2001
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The ILO and the Social Challenges of the 21st Century
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Job Creation and Labour Law ISBN 9789041114327
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