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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Courts and Civil Procedure in the South Pacific 2nd ed isbn 9781780682808

Civil Procedure and Courts in the South Pacific

ISBN13: 9781859417195
ISBN: 1859417191
New Edition ISBN: 9781780682808
Published: January 2004
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This book is the second edition of Civil Procedures of the South Pacific, originally published by IJALS, as part of the Laws of the South Pacific series. It is primarily intended as a textbook for teachers and students of South Pacific civil procedure, within law degree and professional legal training programmes. It is also designed for use by legal practitioners and others interested in civil procedure in the South Pacific region. The work remains the only published text on Civil Procedure in the South Pacific. The book compares the main rules of procedure that govern the conduct of civil cases in countries of the South Pacific. The text focuses on the rules that apply in the superior courts of Fij, Samoa and Tonga, and on the High Court (Civil Procedure) Rules of 1964, which apply in the superior courts of Kiribati, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. This edition has further analysis and an additional chapter dealing with procedure governing civil appeals. The text has been updated to include recent developments in the law, including changes to the rules and additional case law.

Other Jurisdictions
Introduction; Pre-Action Considerations; Courts
Parties; Initiating Proceedings; Service; Appearance, acknowledgement of service and response; Pleadings; Interlocutory Proceedings; Determination without trial; Trial; Costs; Execution; Appeal procedure; Conclusion

Series: South Pacific Law

Commercial Law and Practice in the South Pacific ISBN 9781859418406
Published December 2005
South Pacific Property Law ISBN 9781859416600
Published January 2004
Contract Law in the South Pacific ISBN 9781859416181
Published April 2001
Out of print