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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Contract Law in the South Pacific 2nd ed isbn 9781780687865

Contract Law in the South Pacific

ISBN13: 9781859416181
ISBN: 1859416187
New Edition ISBN: 9781780687865
Published: April 2001
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This book presents the general principles of contract law that apply in the countries of the University of the South Pacific ('USP') region,being Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Samoa, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.

It is unique in that it provides the only up to date survey of regional authorities for the principles of contract operating within the region.;Like many other branches of the law, contract law has yet to establish its own identity in the South Pacific. However, whilst it is still based on the law of England, there are significant differences between English contract law and South Pacific contract law.

The text provides a clear explanation of this divergence and highlights regional innovations, both in the form of legislation and local case law. It also examines the role of customary law and provides a comprehensive study of the significant differences between the law of contract in individual regional countries.;Comparison is made between regional law with current English contract law, and with the contract law of Australia and New Zealand, particularly where regional courts have preferred that law to the law of England.

This book is essential reading for all students of contract law in the South Pacific and constitutes a very useful source book and guide for academics and practitioners, from within and outside the region.

Other Jurisdictions
Law and Legal Study
Sources of Law
The Civil Court Structure
The Criminal Court Structure
Judicial Reasoning
The Judiciary
The Civil Process
Arbitration, Tribunal Adjudication and Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Criminal Process: (1) The Investigation of Crime
The Criminal Process: (2) The Prosecution
Legal Services
The Funding of Legal Services
The European Context.

Series: South Pacific Law

Commercial Law and Practice in the South Pacific ISBN 9781859418406
Published December 2005
South Pacific Property Law ISBN 9781859416600
Published January 2004
Civil Procedure and Courts in the South Pacific ISBN 9781859417195
Published January 2004
Out of print