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Commercial Law and Practice in the South Pacific

ISBN13: 9781859418406
ISBN: 1859418406
Published: December 2005
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £84.99

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Commerce has become an area of central importance to the South Pacific region. Although the countries are small it is widely acknowledged that their need to promote and develop commercial enterprise is crucial for their future sustainability.

This new textbook is the first to examine the main areas of commercial law in the common law jurisdictions of the South Pacific region. These jurisdictions include the Cook Islands, Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Niue, Nauru, (Western) Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu. The text is divided into six parts each with its own introduction to aid the reader through each particular area.

Utilising both a structural and transactional approach it examines:-

  • the establishment and termination of commercial organizations
  • the internal and external relations within and between organizations
  • the legal principles applicable to various kinds of commercial dealings eg. insurance, sale of goods, bills of exchange
  • aspects of foreign trade and international commerce relevant to the region.
Knowledge of the legal principles that regulate commercial activity within the South Pacific Region is essential for the communities themselves and for those from outside interested in doing business in the area. Students studying commercial law in the region will find this textbook essential reading as will those involved, or seeking to become involved, in commercial activity there

Series: South Pacific Law

South Pacific Property Law ISBN 9781859416600
Published January 2004
Civil Procedure and Courts in the South Pacific ISBN 9781859417195
Published January 2004
Out of print
Contract Law in the South Pacific ISBN 9781859416181
Published April 2001
Out of print