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Courts and Civil Procedure in the South Pacific 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781780682808
Previous Edition ISBN: 1859417191
Published: January 2016
Publisher: Intersentia Publishers
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £66.00

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This book compares the conduct of civil cases in countries of the South Pacific. It explains the practical application of civil procedures in the context of the courts in which they operate. The text focuses on the rules that apply in the superior courts of Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

An introductory chapter explains the origin of the rules and the factors that link and differentiate them. The preliminary considerations that should be weighed before proceedings are instituted are highlighted. In a separate chapter, the constitution and civil jurisdiction of the courts are explained. Legislative and case law developments are also discussed.

The book also has a chapter on alternative ways of resolving civil disputes. The text describes recent changes to the rules and suggests further reforms that might be considered by South Pacific rule making bodies.

The book is designed for use by legal practitioners and scholars interested in civil procedure in the South Pacific region. It is also of use to teachers and students of South Pacific civil procedure, both at degree level and in professional legal training programmes.

Other Jurisdictions , Pacific Islands
Table of cases: Alphabetical
Table of Cases: by Country
Table of Legislation
List of tables and Figures;
1. Introduction
2. Courts
3. Parties
4. Commencing Litigation
5. Managing Litigation
6. Pleadings
7. Determination without Trial
8. Protecting Positions
9. Gathering Information
10. ADR and Promoting Settlement
11. Trial
12. Litigation Costs
13. Execution
14. Appeal Procedure
15. Conclusion