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Violence Against Women in Legally Plural Settings: Experiences and Lessons from the Andes

ISBN13: 9781138092815
Published: May 2017
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2015)
Price: £47.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781138936690

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This book addresses a growing area of concern for scholars and development practitioners: discriminatory gender norms in legally plural settings. Focusing specifically on indigenous women, this book analyzes how they, often in alliance with supporters and allies, have sought to improve their access to justice.

Development practitioners working in the field of access to justice have tended to conceive indigenous legal systems as either inherently incompatible with women’s rights or, alternatively, they have emphasized customary law’s advantageous features, such as its greater accessibility, familiarity and effectiveness. Against this background – and based on a comparison of six thus far underexplored initiatives of legal and institutional change in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia – Anna Barrera provides a more nuanced, ethnographic, understanding of how women navigate through context-specific constellations of inter-legality in their search for justice. In so doing, moreover, her account of ongoing political debates and local struggles for gender justice grounds the elaboration of a comprehensive conceptual framework for understanding the legally plural dynamics involved in the contestation of discriminatory gender norms.

Law and Society
1. Introduction: Violence against women in legally plural settings
2. Theoretical approaches to legal and institutional change
3. "Many women hadn’t even thought about what it means to be a woman": La Calera and San Francisco de la Rinconada, Ecuador
4. "As if I was sleeping, and then I woke up!": Chacabamba and Tungasuca, Peru
5. "Sometimes we as women undervalue ourselves": Mojocoya and Tarabuco, Bolivia
6. Conclusions and Implications

Series: Law, Development and Globalization

Hybridity: Law, Culture and Development ISBN 9781138673427
Published February 2017
Hybridity: Law, Culture and Development (eBook) ISBN 9781317202899
Published February 2017
Out of print
Law and Society in Latin America: A New Map ISBN 9781138685925
Published May 2016
Law and Society in Latin America: A New Map (eBook) ISBN 9781136002489
Published September 2014
Out of print
Law and Society in Latin America: A New Map ISBN 9780415854047
Published September 2014
Out of print
Social Movements, Law and the Politics of Land Reform ISBN 9780415477710
Published April 2013
Lawyers and the Rule of Law in an Era of Globalization ISBN 9780415628761
Published May 2012
Lawyers and the Construction of Transnational Justice ISBN 9780415581189
Published October 2011
Lawyers and the Construction of Transnational Justice (eBook) ISBN 9781136643859
Published October 2011
Out of print
Lawyers and the Rule of Law in an Era of Globalization ISBN 9780415581172
Published February 2011
Lawyers and the Rule of Law in an Era of Globalization (eBook) ISBN 9781136828737
Published February 2011
Out of print
Lawyers and the Rule of Law in an Era of Globalization (eBook) ISBN 9780203831359
Published February 2011
Out of print
Global Perspectives on the Rule of Law ISBN 9780415589598
Published July 2010
Publication Abandoned