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Regional Autonomy, Cultural Diversity and Differentiated Territorial Government: The Case of Tibet - Chinese and Comparative Perspectives

Edited by: Robert Toniatti, Jens Woelk

ISBN13: 9780415525350
Published: April 2017
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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Multinational Integration, Cultural Identity and Regional Self-Government assesses the current state of the international theory and practice of autonomy in order to pursue the possibility for regional self-government in Tibet. Initiated by a workshop, and roundtable with political representatives from different autonomous regions, including His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, this book brings together a group of distinguished international scholars in order to offer a much-needed enquiry into solutions to the Tibetan quest for substantial autonomy.

Examining the Chinese framework of regional self-government, along with key international cases of autonomy in Europe, North America and Asia, the contributors to this volume offer a comprehensive context for the consideration of both Tibetan demands and Chinese worries. Their insights will be invaluable to academics practitioners, diplomats, civil servants, government representatives, international organisations, and NGOs interested in the theory and practice of autonomy, as well as those concerned with the future of Tibet.

Other Jurisdictions , China, Asia
Section One: The Context:
Chapter 1: "Autonomy: The State of the Art". An Introduction
Jens Woelk
Chapter 2: "Asymmetric Regionalism in Spain: Catalonia and the Basque Country", Rafael Bustos Gisbert (University of Salamanca)
Chapter 3:Devolution in the UK: Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales",John Morrison (Queens University Belfast)
Chapter 4: "Settled and Resolved? Trentino-South Tyrol", Francesco Palermo (University of Verona and Eurac, Bolzano/Bozen)
Chapter 5: "Quebec’s Relative Autonomy Within Canada: of Power Relations and Democratic Reflexes", François Gaudreault-Desbiens (University of Montreal)

Section 2. Asian Experiences,
Chapter 6: "The background and mechanisms of the autonomy regulations concerning Aceh", Hans-Joachim Heintze (University of Bochum)
Chapter 7: "Burma and Sri Lanka"
David C. Williams (University of Indiana, Bloomington)
Chapter 8: "Minority Rights and Forms of Autonomy in India, Thomas Benedikter (Eurac, Bolzano/Bozen)

Section 3. Lessons from the Comparative Perspective
Chapter 9: "Power-sharing Compared: Lessons to be Learned",Joseph Marko (University of Graz, Austria, and Eurac, Bolzano/Bozen),
Chapter 10: "Implementation and the Importance of Internal and International Guarantees", Michael Van Walt (Kreddha International Peace Council)
Chapter 11:"An Asian Comparative Perspective on Regional (and/or Personal?) Autonomy",Andrew Harding (Asia-Pacific Law at the University of Victoria, Canada)
Chapter 12: Part Two:Regional Autonomy and Differentiated Territorial Government in China

Section 4. Differentiated Territorial Government in China
Chapter 12: "Foreign Influence and Constitutionalism in the PRC: A Western Perspective on Change and Uncertainty in Contemporary Chinese Legal Culture", John W. Head (University of Kansas)
Chapter 13: "The Rule of Law in China:Fundamental Uncertainties About "Decoding" a Fundamental Concept", John W. Head (University of Kansas)
Chapter 14: "Chinese Policies on Regional Self-Government", Michael C. Davis (University of Hong Kong), Chapter 15: "One Country, Two Systems: Hong Kong’s Constitutional Powers", Yash Ghai (University of Hong Kong)

Section 5. Potential for Tibet?
Chapter 16: "The Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy: The Legal Dimension"
The Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy for Tibet
Conclusion: "One Country, Three Systems: The Tibetan Quest for Autonomy, Between European Experiences and Asian Perspectives", Roberto Toniatti (University of Trento).

Series: Law, Development and Globalization

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Lawyers and the Rule of Law in an Era of Globalization ISBN 9780415628761
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Lawyers and the Construction of Transnational Justice ISBN 9780415581189
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