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Family Reunification in Europe: Exposing Inequalities

Edited by: Ellen Desmet, Milena Belloni, Dirk Vanheule, Jinske Verhellen, Ayse Güdük

ISBN13: 9781032614540
Published: September 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £190.00

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This book provides a multi-disciplinary investigation of family reunification laws, policies and practices across the European Union.

Family reunification – the possibility for family members to (re)unite in a country where one of them is residing – has been high on the political agenda. Building on original empirical research with families and practitioners as well as in-depth doctrinal analyses, the book explores the fragmentation of legal rules, the gaps between formal regulations and practices, and their consequences for families across borders. Different contributions in the volume point to the growing inequalities among and within applicant families, based on residence status, gender, location, citizenship and socio-economic resources, due to the family reunification regimes currently in place. The book enhances interdisciplinary dialogue by providing clear insights into the specific contribution of migration law, private international law and social scientific analyses to the study of family reunification.

The book is aimed at researchers working on the topic of family reunification, as well as students of law and socio-legal studies and practitioners in the field of migration.

Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law
1. Exploring Inequalities in Family Reunification in Europe: Perspectives from Legal and Social Sciences
Ellen Desmet, Milena Belloni and Jinske Verhellen

Part I: Setting the Scene
2. A Right to Family Reunification in Europe: A Guide to the Labyrinth
Ellen Desmet
3. Personal Status Across Borders: Family Reunification Procedures Meet Private International Law
Sarah Den Haese and Jinske Verhellen
4. Families, Family Norms and Policies: Insights from the Social Sciences
Milena Belloni and Laura Cleton

Part II: Unveiling Inequalities
5. Developing a Right to Family Reunification, Immigrant Integration and Equality in Europe
Kees Groenendijk
6. How Race and Gender Function in European Family Migration Law
Betty de Hart
7. Better off Without Parents? Refugee Children and Family Reunification: Norms and Ethical Concerns
Irene Olivero

Part III: Accessing Family Reunification
8. Moving in Circles: The Beginning and End of Exercising Free Movement Rights
Hester Kroeze
9. Relationship Triangle and the Citizens Directive: Does Subsisting Marriage Exclude the Access to Derived Residence of Durable Partners?
Nicole Stybnarova
10. The “Humanitarian” Clause of the Dublin III Regulation: Limiting Entrance, Gatekeeping Values
Ifigeneia Intzipeoglou and Maria Nefeli Skotori
11. Family Reunification Policies in Italy: Ambivalences, Discrimination, Resistance
Francesco Della Puppa

Part IV: Proving Family Ties
12. Family Reunification for “Paperless” Eritrean Refugees: A Pie in The Sky or a Realisable Right?
Sara Arapiles and Daniel Mekonnen
13. The Recognition of Child and Polygamous Marriages in Belgium: Alignment Between Private International Law and Migration Law?
Leontine Bruijnen
14. Your Relationship is Genuine, but Your Marriage is Not. Defining Marriages of Convenience in EU and UK Law
Aleksandra Ancite-Jepifánova
15. Family Reunification and Administrative Citizenship: A Transnational Perspective
Milena Belloni and Gert Verschraegen

Part V: Navigating Regimes
16. Enforced Transnationalism: Refugees’ Family Lives in Germany Under Conditions of Separation and Waiting
Simone Christ and Benjamin Etzold
17. Reassembling the Right to Family Reunification for Refugees in Belgium through Social Work Practices of Welfare Bricolage
Pascal Debruyne
18. A Multi-Perspectivist Analysis of a Lived Family Reunification Experience: At the Junction of Co-Creative Research and Autoethnography
Giselle Corradi and Ellen Desmet
19. Domestic Violence Within the Securitisation of (Family and Love) Migration: The Case of Belgium
Giacomo Orsini and Laura Merla

Series: Routledge Research in Asylum, Migration and Refugee Law

The Socio-Economic Rights of Asylum Seekers ISBN 9780415720762
To be published January 2026
Out of print
Reconceptualising Unaccompanied Child Asylum Seekers and the Law ISBN 9781032196299
Published September 2022
Out of print
Serious International Crimes, Human Rights, and Forced Migration ISBN 9780367556235
Published February 2022
European Asylum Law and the Rights of the Child ISBN 9781138202054
Published June 2016
Gender in Refugee Law: From the Margins to the Centre ISBN 9781138670419
Published February 2016
European Asylum Law and the Rights of the Child ISBN 9780415855013
Published July 2014
European Asylum Law and the Rights of the Child (eBook) ISBN 9781135120276
Published July 2014
Out of print
Out of print