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The UN Security Council and the Maintenance of Peace in a Changing World

ISBN13: 9781009423441
Published: February 2024
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £26.99

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How can the UN Security Council contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security in times of heightened tensions, global polarisation, and contestation about the principles underlying the international legal and political order? In this Trialogue, experts with diverse geographic, socio-legal, and ideational backgrounds present their perspectives on the Security Council's historic development, its present functions and deficits, and its defining tensions and future trajectories. Three approaches engage with each other: a power-focused approach emphasising the role of China as an emerging actor; an institutionalist perspective exploring how less powerful states, particularly the elected members of the Security Council, exert influence and may strengthen rule-of-law standards; a regionalist perspective investigating how the Security Council as the central actor can cooperate with regional organisations towards maintaining international peace and security.

Introduction: the Security Council's four defining fields of tensions
Christian Marxsen
1. The UN Security Council and the maintenance of peace in the global power shift
Congyan Cai
2. The UN Security Council – reflections on institutional strength
Larissa van den Herik
3. The UN Security Council between centralism and regionalism
Tiyanjana Maluwa
Conclusion: power, procedures, and periphery: the Security Council in the Ukraine war
Anne Peters

Series: Max Planck Trialogues

Armed Intervention and Consent ISBN 9781009370080
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Cambridge University Press
Law Applicable to Armed Conflict ISBN 9781108722988
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