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Armed Intervention and Consent

ISBN13: 9781009370080
Published: July 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £26.99

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In the past decade, numerous military operations by outside states have relied on the real or alleged 'invitation' of one of the parties. In this book, three experts examine the relevant legal issues, from sovereignty to the scope and relevance of consent, the use of force to the role of the Security of Council. Using critical historical analysis, qualitative case studies and large-N empirics, these topics are debated and addressed in a unique trialogue format. Accommodating the pluralism of the field, the trialogical setting highlights the divergences and commonalities of each of the three approaches. Benefiting from an in-depth analysis of recent cases of armed intervention and the diversity of the authors' perspectives, this collection is key to developing a richer understanding of the law of military intervention. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

  • Three experts in the field address the law governing armed interventions based on real or alleged consent of states embroiled in military strife
  • Together with introduction and conclusions, offers in-depth analysis of the legal documents relating to recent cases of armed interventions
  • Provides the historical context while giving comprehensive coverage of recent instances of armed intervention upon 'invitation'

Public International Law
Introduction: armed intervention and consent
1. Intervention and the problematisation of consent
2. Intervention by invitation: the expanding role of the security council
3. Invitations to intervene after the Cold War: toward a new collective model
Conclusion: armed intervention and consent: half-hearted multilaterisation of a unilateral doctrine

Series: Max Planck Trialogues

Law Applicable to Armed Conflict ISBN 9781108722988
Published January 2020
Cambridge University Press
Self-Defence against Non-State Actors: Volume 1 ISBN 9781316641125
Published July 2019
Cambridge University Press