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Self-Defence against Non-State Actors: Volume 1

ISBN13: 9781316641125
Published: July 2019
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £33.99

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In this book, self-defence against non-state actors is examined by three scholars whose geographical, professional, theoretical, and methodological backgrounds and outlooks differ greatly. Their trialogue is framed by an introduction and a conclusion by the series editors.

The novel scholarly format accommodates the pluralism and value changes of the current era, a shifting world order and the rise in nationalism and populism. It brings to light the cultural, professional and political pluralism which characterises international legal scholarship and exploits this pluralism as a heuristic device.

This multiperspectivism exposes how political factors and intellectual styles influence the scholarly approaches and legal answers and the trialogical structure encourages its participants to decentre their perspectives. By explicitly focussing on the authors' divergence and disagreement, a richer understanding of self-defence against non-state actors is achieved, and the legal challenges and possible ways ahead identified.

  • Provides a comprehensive study of the legal problems of self-defence against non-State actors and looks into the current state of the law, open legal issues and legal challenges
  • Provides a multi-perspective approach to the topic that focuses on divergence and disagreement and contributes to a richer understanding of self-defence
  • Identifies the open legal issues that warrant further academic reflection and provides clarification in a complex and multi-layered legal debate

Public International Law
Introduction to the series: trialogical international law Anne Peters
Introduction: dilution of self-defence and its discontents Anne Peters and Christian Marxsen
1. The use of force in self-defence against non-state actors, decline of collective security and the rise of unilateralism: whither international law? Dire Tladi
2. Self-defence against non-state actors: making sense of the 'armed attack' requirement Christian J. Tams
3. Self-defence, pernicious doctrines, peremptory norms Mary Ellen O'Connell
Conclusion: self-defence against non-state actors – the way ahead Christian Marxsen and Anne Peters.

Series: Max Planck Trialogues

Armed Intervention and Consent ISBN 9781009370080
Published July 2023
Cambridge University Press
Law Applicable to Armed Conflict ISBN 9781108722988
Published January 2020
Cambridge University Press