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Gender, National Security and Counter-terrorism: Human Rights Perspectives

Edited by: Margaret L. Satterthwaite, Jayne Huckerby

ISBN13: 9781138843356
Published: September 2014
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2012)
Price: £55.00
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780415781794

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From its inception, the "War on Terror" has been a heavily gendered endeavour. Governments have overwhelmingly targeted men for profiling, detention and interrogation, have used gendered narratives in support of military action, and have actively deployed gendered forms of coercion in their interrogation programs. These explicit gendered impacts join many unexamined but nevertheless equally forceful indirect impacts that have gender dimensions, including the effects on women of detention policies and the economic and social impacts on women of shifting government priorities toward security measures. A careful examination of counter-terrorism campaigns outside the current "War on Terror," reveals that such national security efforts also have a complex--but often unexplored--relationship to gender.

This edited volume brings together scholars from various disciplines to consider, from a human rights perspective, the many ways in which gender interacts with counter-terrorism and national security efforts by modern states. The book provides a systematic overview of the key intersections between gender and counter-terrorism considering what it means to take a gendered human rights approach to counter-terrorism measures, the patterns that emerge from such an approach, and the human rights tools that can be utilized in this endeavour. The book includes case studies of specific countries including Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the USA, exploring the intersections of gender and counter-terrorism in the specific country context, drawing both country-specific and general conclusions. It goes on to examine the narratives and common assumptions at work in the counter-terrorism context and the gendered impacts of specific policies, analyzing through a gender lens the counter-terrorism efforts associated with the post-9/11 "War on Terror" as well as other campaigns against terrorism. This book will be of interest to scholars, students, policy analysts, and advocates concerned about women's rights, gender studies, human rights law, national security, and counter-terrorism.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
Introduction Margaret Satterthwaite and Jayne Huckerby

Part 1: Gender, National Security, and Counter-Terrorism: Patterns
1. A Human Rights Approach to Gender, Counter-Terrorism and National Security
2. How do Counter-Terrorism Measures Impact Gender Equality? Civil and Political Dimensions
3. How do Counter-Terrorism Measures Impact Gender Equality: Social and Economic Dimensions
4. The Impact of Counter-Terrorism Measures on Women's Human Rights: Defenders, Dissenters and Gender Non-Conformists
5. Crossing Borders: The Impact of Counter-Terrorism Measures on Asylum Seekers, Immigrants and Trafficked Persons
6. The Gendered Impacts of Preventive Policing and Terrorism Detection Technologies

Part 2: Gender, National Security, and Counter-Terrorism: Case Studies
7. Case Study: Pakistan
8. Case Study: Sri Lanka
9. Case Study: Northern Ireland
10. Case Study: United States
11. Case Study: Nigeria

Part 3:Gender, National Security, and Counter-Terrorism: Challenges
12. Gender Narratives in the Counter-Terrorism Context
13. Terror/Torture and its Gendered Impacts
14. Trading with Terrorists: Bartering Women's Rights for Peace
15. Masculinities and Terror/Counter-Terror
16. Gender and Anti-Radicalization: Women and Emerging Counter-Terror Measures
17. Strange Bedfellows: Women Human Rights Advocates Defending the Rights of Fundamentalists
18. Equal Opportunity Terrorism: Women Terrorists in Comparative Perspective
19. Conclusion: Toward an Equality-Enhancing Counter-Terrorism Agenda

Series: Routledge Research in Terrorism and the Law

Anti-Terrorism Law and Normalising Northern Ireland ISBN 9781138201965
Published June 2016
Homeland Security, its Law and its State ISBN 9781138666504
Published March 2016
Out of print
Preventive Detention of Terror Suspects: A New Legal Framework ISBN 9781138936898
Published January 2016
Out of print
Anti-Terrorism Law and Normalising Northern Ireland ISBN 9780415714334
Published August 2014
Homeland Security, its Law and its State ISBN 9780415526319
Published March 2014
Homeland Security, its Law and its State (eBook) ISBN 9781136025686
Published March 2014
Out of print
Out of print