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Whose Freedom, Security and Justice? EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781847317940
Published: June 2007
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This book brings together contributions from some of the leading authorities in the field of EU immigration and asylum law to reflect upon developments since the Amsterdam Treaty and, particularly, the Tampere European Council in 1999. At Tampere, Heads of State and Government met to set guidelines for the implementation of the powers and competences introduced by the Amsterdam Treaty and make the development of the Union as an area of freedom, security and justice a reality.

Since 1999, a substantial body of law and policy has developed, but the process has been lengthy and the results open to critique. This book presents a series of analyses of and reflections on the major legal instruments and policy themes, with the underlying question, to what extent the ideals held out of 'freedom, security and justice accessible to all', are in fact reflected in these legislative and policy developments. Has freedom from terrorism and the spectre of illegal or irregular migration, and increasingly strict border securitisation and surveillance overshadowed the freedom of the migrant to seek entry or residence for legitimate touristic, work, study, or family reasons, a secure refuge from persecution, and effective access to justice? In 2004, the Heads of State and Government presented a programme for the next stage of development in these areas, the Hague Programme, and the Directives and Regulations that have been agreed are now being transposed and applied in Member States legal systems. What are the main challenges in the years ahead as the Hague Programme and the existing legislative acquis are implemented?

EU Law, eBooks, Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law
From Amsterdam and Tampere to The Hague: An Overview of Five Years of EC Immigration and Asylum Law
Part I Constitutional Issues in EU Migration Law
1. Citizens Without a Constitution, Borders Without a State: EU Free Movement of Persons
2. Effective Remedies in Immigration and Asylum Law Procedures: A Matter of General Principles of EU Law
3. The Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice Over EC Immigration and Asylum Law: Time For a Change?
4. Impact Assessments: A Useful Tool for 'Better Lawmaking' in EU Migration Policy?
Part II Access to Asylum and Refugee Protection
5. The Asylum Procedures Directive in Legal Context: Equivocal Standards Meet General Principles
6. Directive 2003/9 on Reception Conditions of Asylum Seekers: Ensuring 'Mere Subsistence' or a 'Dignified Standard of Living'?
7. Refugee Status and Subsidiary Protection under EC Law: The Qualification Directive and the Right to Be Granted Asylum
8. From Dublin Convention to Dublin Regulation: A Progressive Move?
9. The External Dimension of the EU's Asylum and Immigration Policies: Old Concerns and New Approaches
Part III Borders and the Enforcement of Migration Control
10. The Criminalisation of Migration in EU Law and Policy
11. Building a Community Return Policy With Third Countries: An Equal Partnership?
12. Border Security in the European Union: Towards Centralised Controls and Maximum Surveillance
13. Immigration Detention and the Common European Asylum Policy
Part IV Managing Legal Migration
14. The Long-Term Residents Directive, Denizenship and Integration
15. The Family Reunification Directive: A Tool Preserving Member State Interest or Conducive to Family Unity?
16. The European Union and Labour Migration: Regulating Admission or Treatment?
17. Citizenship and the Expanding European Union: The Rights of New EU Nationals

Series: Essays in European Law

50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward (eBook) ISBN 9781847317223
Published February 2009
Hart Publishing
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50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward ISBN 9781841138329
Published February 2009
Hart Publishing
EU Foreign Relations Law: Constitutional Fundamentals ISBN 9781841137575
Published July 2008
Hart Publishing
Sovereignty in Transition: Essays in European Law
Edited by: Neil Walker
ISBN 9781841135649
Published October 2006
Hart Publishing
Sovereignty in Transition: Essays in European Law (eBook)
Edited by: Neil Walker
ISBN 9781847316967
Published October 2006
Hart Publishing
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Law and New Governance in the EU and the US ISBN 9781841135434
Published April 2006
Hart Publishing
Social Wefare and EU Law ISBN 9781841134901
Published July 2005
Hart Publishing
Disability Rights in Europe: From Theory to Practice ISBN 9781841134864
Published May 2005
Hart Publishing
Law and Governance in an Enlarged European Union ISBN 9781841134260
Published November 2004
Hart Publishing
EU Enlargement: A Legal Approach ISBN 9781841133768
Published July 2004
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The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ISBN 9781841134499
Published April 2004
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The Treaty of Nice and Beyond: Enlargement and Constitutional Reform ISBN 9781841133393
Published November 2003
Hart Publishing