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Law and Governance in an Enlarged European Union

ISBN13: 9781841134260
ISBN: 1841134260
Published: November 2004
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £100.00

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This book's principal aim is to critically address the institutional and substantive legal issues resulting from European enlargement, concentrating on the legal foundations on which the enlarged Union is being built. The accession of new Member States creates the potential for a stronger and more powerful Europe. Realizing this potential will depend on the ability of the EU to develop functional and effective governance structures, both at the European level and at the level of the individual Member States. While the acquis communautaire will ensure that formal laws in the new Member States will be aligned with those of existing members, the question remains as to how effective institutions will be in implementing changes, and what effects the imposed changes will have on the legitimacy of the new legal framework.;This book, containing the work of leading social scientists and policymakers, examines the current and future legal framework for EU governance, and the role that new members will - or will not - play in the creation of that framework, paying particular attention to the specific challenges membership in the EU poses to the acceding states of Central and Eastern Europe. It is a book which will contribute to and influence debates over constitutionalism and legal harmonisation in the EU.

EU Law
Part I: The Legal Foundations of the Enlarged European Union
1. Institutional Settlements for an Enlarged European Union
Ingolf Pernice
2. A Constitution for Europe? Some Hard Choices
Joseph Weiler
3. The Role of the EU Charter of Rights in the Process of Enlargement
Wojciech Sadurski
4. The Challenge of Cooperative Regulatory Relations after Enlargement
Francesca Bignami
5. The Legal Foundations of the Enlarged European Union
A Comment by George A Bermann and Gráinne de Búrca
Part II: The Governance of Labour Relations
6. The Convergence of European Labour and Social Rights: Opening to the Open Method of Coordination
Silvana Sciarra
7. The EU Agenda for Regulating Labour Markets: Lessons from the UK in the Field of Working Time
Catherine Barnard
8. European Enlargement: A Comparative View of Hungarian Labour Law
Csilla Kollonay Lehoczky
9. The Institutional Conditions for Effective Labour Law in the New Member States
A Comment by Manfred Weiss
10. Social Law at the Time of European Union Enlargement
A Comment by Antoine Lyon-Caen
Part III: Corporate Governance
11. The EU Model of Corporate Law and Financial Market Regulation
Peter Doralt and Susanne Kalss
12. Complying with EU Corporate Standards: A Practitioner’s View from Poland
Stanislaw Soltysin ´ski
13. Emerging Owners, Eclipsing Markets? Corporate Governance in Central and Eastern Europe
Erik Berglöf and Anete Pajuste
14. Enhancing Corporate Governance in the New Member States: Does EU Law Help?
Katharina Pistor
15. Corporate Law and Governance in an Enlarged Europe
A Comment by Richard M Buxbaum
16. Corporate and Securities Law Conditions in the Acquis Communautaire: A Comment on Pistor and Berglöf and Pajuste
Merritt B Fox
Part IV: Domestic Institution Building in the Shadow of the Acquis
17. Implementation and Compliance: Stimulus for New Governance Structures in the Accession Countries
Roland Bieber and Micaela Vaerini
18. Accession’s Impact on Constitutionalism in the New Member States
András Sajó
19. EU Accession in Light of Evolving Constitutionalism in Poland
Miroslaw Wyrzykowski
20. Contested Norms in the Process of EU Enlargement: Non-Discrimination and Minority Rights
Antje Wiener and Guido Schwellnus
21. The Fifth Enlargement: More of the Same?
A Comment by Frank Emmert
22. Accession’s Internal Dimension in the New Member States
A Comment by Joanne Scott

Series: Essays in European Law

50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward (eBook) ISBN 9781847317223
Published February 2009
Hart Publishing
Out of print
50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward ISBN 9781841138329
Published February 2009
Hart Publishing
EU Foreign Relations Law: Constitutional Fundamentals ISBN 9781841137575
Published July 2008
Hart Publishing
Sovereignty in Transition: Essays in European Law
Edited by: Neil Walker
ISBN 9781841135649
Published October 2006
Hart Publishing
Sovereignty in Transition: Essays in European Law (eBook)
Edited by: Neil Walker
ISBN 9781847316967
Published October 2006
Hart Publishing
Out of print
Law and New Governance in the EU and the US ISBN 9781841135434
Published April 2006
Hart Publishing
Social Wefare and EU Law ISBN 9781841134901
Published July 2005
Hart Publishing
Disability Rights in Europe: From Theory to Practice ISBN 9781841134864
Published May 2005
Hart Publishing
EU Enlargement: A Legal Approach ISBN 9781841133768
Published July 2004
Hart Publishing
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ISBN 9781841134499
Published April 2004
Hart Publishing
Out of print
The Treaty of Nice and Beyond: Enlargement and Constitutional Reform ISBN 9781841133393
Published November 2003
Hart Publishing