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50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward

Edited by: Michael Dougan, Samantha Currie

ISBN13: 9781841138329
Published: February 2009
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £74.99

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The essays which appear in this work are based on the papers presented at a two-day conference held in Liverpool in July 2007 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome establishing the EEC.

The collection reflects critically upon some of the EU’s core characteristics and speculates imaginatively on the diverse challenges facing the EU in the future. Exploring the pressing contemporary problems facing Europe and throwing light on the big questions which will define the EU’s identity in the medium term, the essays also draw out links with, and threats to, the historical achievements of European integration.

For any scholar or practitioner interested in the nature of the constitutional relationship between the Union and its Member States and the tensions between economic and social policy objectives, these essays will be essential reading.

EU Law
Michael Dougan and Samantha Currie, Editors' Introduction
1. Alan Dashwood, The Institutional Framework and the Institutional Balance
2. Lee Miles, A Fusing Europe? Insights for EU Governance
3. Per Cramér, Reflections on the Roles of Mutual Trust in EU Law
4. Robert Schütze, The European Community's Federal Order of Competences: A Retrospective Analysis
5. Derrick Wyatt, Community Competence to Regulate the Internal Market
6. Samantha Velluti, New EU Governance: The Case of Employment Policy
7. Panos Koutrakos, Common Foreign and Security Policy: Looking Back, Thinking Forward
8. Dominic McGoldrick, The International Legal Personality of the European Community and the European Union
9. Eleanor Sharpston, The Future of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice
10. Arianna Andreangeli, From Complainant to 'Private Attorney General': The Modernisation of EU Competition Enforcement and Private Antitrust Actions Before National Courts
11. Peter Cameron, Energy: Efficiency, Security and the Environment
12. Jeff Kenner, New Frontiers in EU Labour Law: From Flexicurity to Flex-Security
13. Catherine Barnard, Fifty Years of Avoiding Social Dumping? The EU's Economic and not so Economic Constitution
14. Eleanor Spaventa, Federalisation v. Centralisation: Tensions in Fundamental Rights Discourse in the European Union
15. Samantha Currie, The Transformation of Union Citizenship
16. Fiona Beveridge, Gender, Enlargement and Beyond
17. Vlad Constantinesco, Does the Constitutional Treaty Have a Future?

Series: Essays in European Law

50 Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward (eBook) ISBN 9781847317223
Published February 2009
Hart Publishing
Out of print
EU Foreign Relations Law: Constitutional Fundamentals ISBN 9781841137575
Published July 2008
Hart Publishing
Sovereignty in Transition: Essays in European Law
Edited by: Neil Walker
ISBN 9781841135649
Published October 2006
Hart Publishing
Sovereignty in Transition: Essays in European Law (eBook)
Edited by: Neil Walker
ISBN 9781847316967
Published October 2006
Hart Publishing
Out of print
Law and New Governance in the EU and the US ISBN 9781841135434
Published April 2006
Hart Publishing
Social Wefare and EU Law ISBN 9781841134901
Published July 2005
Hart Publishing
Disability Rights in Europe: From Theory to Practice ISBN 9781841134864
Published May 2005
Hart Publishing
Law and Governance in an Enlarged European Union ISBN 9781841134260
Published November 2004
Hart Publishing
EU Enlargement: A Legal Approach ISBN 9781841133768
Published July 2004
Hart Publishing
The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights ISBN 9781841134499
Published April 2004
Hart Publishing
Out of print
The Treaty of Nice and Beyond: Enlargement and Constitutional Reform ISBN 9781841133393
Published November 2003
Hart Publishing