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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
World Leasing Yearbook 2013 isbn 9781781371046

World Leasing Yearbook 2012

ISBN13: 9781843749233
New Edition ISBN: 9781781371046
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781843747970
Published: January 2012
Publisher: Euromoney Institutional Investor
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: Out of print

The World Leasing Yearbook is acknowledged as the standard source book for the asset funding and leasing industry.

Now in its 33rd year, the World Leasing Yearbook is the leading global intelligence resource for leasing and asset finance executives. Covering over 500 pages, the World Leasing Yearbook contains articles and data contributed by leading experts in the international leasing sector, along with a comprehensive and unique directory of over 7,000 contacts.

The new 2012 edition features:

  • An extensive directory in which 165 countries are represented through over 5,000 companies and over 7,000 contact names.
  • The Global Leasing Report provides an exclusive overview of the international leasing industry providing data on volume and growth by region, market penetration, GDP penetration ratios and market shares.
  • A ranking of the top 50 leasing markets by size worldwide.
  • Detailed reviews of developments in Europe, North America, emerging markets, Islamic leasing, law and operating leases.
  • Industry professionals discuss the implications of the revised lease accounting exposure draft due in 2012 and the changes it will bring to the global leasing markets.
  • An in-depth information technology report projects leasing software trends for 2012.
  • An extensive software section provides product reviews for all of the major lease software providers, outlining product capabilities, recent enhancements, compatibility and availability.
  • Concise market reviews for over 50 different countries worldwide cover all leasing sectors, each including detailed tables and charts offering data breakdown of growth rates, market penetration and business volumes.

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