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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
World Leasing Yearbook 2014 isbn 9781781371619

World Leasing Yearbook 2013

ISBN13: 9781781371046
New Edition ISBN: 9781781371619
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781843749233
Published: January 2013
Publisher: Euromoney Institutional Investor
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: Out of print

With over 500 pages of unrivalled coverage for 2013, the World Leasing Yearbook 2013 is your essential guide to all the current opportunities in leasing and asset financing, ensuring you keep ahead of the competition.

This annually updated publication combines market data and statistics with commentary and an exhaustive industry directory. Find out which markets have the greatest growth potential: The Global Leasing Report features data on international leasing volume and growth by region, market penetration, GDP penetration ratios and market shares as well as a unique ranking of the top 50 leasing markets by size. Create business opportunities with key industry players:

The World Leasing Yearbook 2013 includes an exhaustive and unique directory giving you direct access to over 5,000 companies and 7,000 contacts from all sectors of the industry. Expand your market knowledge: Articles by industry professionals discuss key strategic issues, including the current position on the new lease accounting proposals and leasing fraud. Gain international insight:

Over 50 individual country reviews cover all leasing sectors, offering reviews of recent activity, analysis of the current situation, and projections of future trends and developments, with full data and statistics. Understand the dynamics of your market: An extensive report projects leasing software trends along with product reviews for all of the major software providers.

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