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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
World Leasing Yearbook 2012 isbn 9781843749233

World Leasing Yearbook 2011

ISBN13: 9781843747970
New Edition ISBN: 9781843749233
Published: October 2011
Publisher: Euromoney Institutional Investor
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: Out of print

The World Leasing Yearbook 2011 is acknowledged as the standard source book for the asset funding and leasing industry.

The new 32nd edition will provide an unrivalled and valuable reference for all players in the market. It will feature over 85 authoritative articles by leading industry experts on global leasing and a comprehensive and unique directory of over 6,500 contacts from over 4,900 companies active in the sector.

The extensive introductory section will provide an informed discussion of current trends and debates in the marketplace. There will be a special report on the leasing software and IT market. A unique ranking of the top 50 leasing markets by size worldwide will complete this essential guide.

An extensive introductory section provides a concise overview and discussion of current trends and debates in the marketplace:-

  • Information as a hidden leasing company asset: Securing improved performance in uncertain times
  • Expanding Islamic leasing beyond Islamic countries: Is there a market appetite?
  • Proposed new lease accounting standard
  • Overhauling lease accounting: A joint IASB/FASB exposure draft
  • Lease accounting – Exposure draft published in August 2010
  • An overview of the European leasing market in 2009
  • Latin American leasing industry still resilient despite global economic downward spiral
  • Picking the winners – How to balance opportunity and risk in emerging markets
  • The renewable energy sector can fuel investments
  • So, the recession is over....? Strategies for the recovery
  • The future of bank-owned leasing companies
  • Innovative leasing services for impact in emerging markets
  • Unidroit's legislative work designed to promote leasing internationally
  • Plus the White Clarke Global Leasing Report provides a unique ranking of the top 50 leasing markets by size worldwide

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