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Changing Concepts of Contract: Essays in Honour of Iain Macneil

Edited by: David Campbell, Linda Mulcahy, Sally Wheeler

ISBN13: 9781137574305
Published: November 2015
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2013)
Price: £74.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781137269263

Despatched in 9 to 11 days.

Changing Concepts of Contract is a prestigious collection of essays that re-examines the remarkable contributions of Ian Macneil to the study of contract law and contracting behaviour. Ian Macneil, who taught at Cornell University, the University of Virginia and, latterly, at Northwestern University, was the principal architect of relational contract theory, an approach that sought to direct attention to the context in which contracts are made.

In this collection, nine leading UK contract law scholars re-consider Macneil's work and examine his theories in light of new social and technological circumstances. In doing so, they reveal relational contract theory to be a pertinent and insightful framework for the study and practice of the subject, one that presents a powerful challenge to the limits of orthodox contract law scholarship.

In tandem with his academic life, Ian Macneil was also the 46th Chief of the Clan Macneil. Included in this volume is a Preface by his son Rory Macneil, the 47th Chief, who reflects on the influences on his father's thinking of those experiences outside academia. The collection also includes a Foreword by Stewart Macaulay, Malcolm Pitman Sharp Hilldale Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and an Introduction by Jay M Feinman, Distinguished Professor of Law at Rutgers School of Law.

Contract Law
Rory Macneil Introduction
Professor Jay M Feinman
1. Relational Values in English Contract Law
Professor Hugh Beale
2. 'Post-Technique': The New Social Contract Today
Professor Roger Brownsword
3. Arcos v Ronaasen as a Relational Contract
Professor David Campbell
4. The Contract of Employment in 3D
Professor Hugh Collins
5. Neglected Insights into Agreed Remedies
Professor Roger Halson
6. In Defence of Baird Textiles: A Sceptical View of Relational Contract Law
7. Telling Tales about Relational Contracts: How do Judges Learn about the Lived World of Contracts?
Professor Linda Mulcahy
8. Relational Contract and Social Learning in Hybrid Organisation
Professor Peter Vincent-Jones
9. What Might Macneil Have Said About Using eBay?
Professor Sally Wheeler.

Series: Palgrave Macmillan Socio-Legal Studies

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Changing Concepts of Contract: Essays in Honour of Iain Macneil ISBN 9781137269263
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