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Cases and Materials on UK and EC Competition Law 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780199290390
Previous Edition ISBN: 0199259275
Published: September 2009
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £52.99

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Cases and Materials on UK and EC Competition Law is designed to help the reader make sense of this fast-developing and often complex area of law. By providing readers with a broad range of materials relating to both UK and EC competition law, prominent cases and materials are collected in one place making this an invaluable resource for students. Useful notes and questions help to check progress and reinforce understanding and expanded further reading points students towards useful websites, books, and articles.

Including hard-to-find primary sources as well as extracts from cases, statutes, and academic sources, and supported by penetrating commentary and insightful notes, the second edition of Cases and Materials on UK & EC Competition Law is a vital tool for anyone serious about developing a grasp of this increasingly significant subject.

New to this edition

  • Two new chapters covering private enforcement and also cartels and leniency
  • New coverage on the Enterprise Act and new regulations on EC competition law, Mergers, and the Technology Transfer Block Exemption
  • Details of the decentralisation of EC competition law, supported by more US and common law examples
  • Glossary of terms and a table of abbreviations
  • Further reading sections expanded with the addition of more articles, books, and web addresses

Competition Law
1. Competiton law and policy
2. UK enforcement
3. EC enforcement
4. Private enforcement
5. Competition law and policy in global markets
6. Control of anti-competitive agreements in the UK
7. Article 81 EC
8. Vertical restraints
9. Cartels and leniency
10. UK monopoly control
11. Article 82 EC
12. UK merger control
13. EC merger control
14. State aid and state regulation