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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Cases and Materials on UK and EC Competition Law 2nd ed isbn 9780199290390

Cases and Materials on UK and EC Competition Law

ISBN13: 9780199259274
ISBN: 0199259275
New Edition ISBN: 9780199290390
Published: July 2004
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This book will equip students with a broad range of materials - case extracts, statutory extracts and relevant academic writings - to enable them to study and make sense of this fast-developing and often complex area of law. Every extract is fully explained and contextualized by the accessible linking commentary provided by the authors. Under the Competition Act 1998, EC jurisprudence has been introduced to UK competition law.

This sourcebook provides the necessary resources of EC cases and legislation as well as UK resources in light of this development. Dealt with fully in this text are the core topics of Article 81 and 82, matters relating to Enforcement and Procedure, monopolies, State Aid and the issues surrounding Extraterritoriality. It also takes into account the Enterprise Bill 2002 which brings UK competition law closer to the example of the United States regime and ultimately will make the UK the strictest regime in Europe.

Competition law has gained new significance in the UK and the EC in recent years and is now well established as an undergraduate course.;The subject is heavily influenced by EC law and underpinned by economics, both difficult concepts for the law student. The cases and materials approach, providing the relevant background and context, is therefore very appropriate.

Competition Law
1. Introduction to Competition Law and Policy; 2. EC Enforcement and Procedure; 3. UK Enforcement and Procedure; 4. The Control of Dominance - Article 82; 5. Monopoly - The Fair Trade Act 1973; 6. The Control of Anti-Competitive Agreements - Article; 81; 7. Vertical Restraints; 8. The Control of Anti-Competitive Agreements - Chapter I Prohibition; 9. EC Merger Control; 10. UK Merger Control; 11. State Aids; 12. International Issues and Extraterritoriality