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Text and Materials on Housing Law

ISBN13: 9780406966513
ISBN: 0406966516
Previous Edition ISBN: 1854319361
Published: January 2005
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £77.99

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Hughes, Davis, Matthew and Jones: Text and Materials on Housing Law is a collection of housing case law and legislation combined with commentary to enable students fully to understand the often complicated language of the law. It gathers together all the important original materials to which students of housing law will need to have access.

Text and Materials on Housing Law; Covers housing law topics at undergraduate and postgraduate level; Explores the increasingly important area of housing and human rights; Deals with housing issues raised by the changing patterns of relationships within society; Covers unlawful eviction and the new legislation on homelessness; The inclusion of procedural material in this work is of great value to housing professionals (local authorities, housing associations, high-street solicitors) and also enhances its usefulness to academics and students by linking the relevant substantive law to a procedural awareness.

Housing Law
The categories of occupation and the status of occupants
private sector tenancies - classification and status
private sector tenancies - rights and remedies
the allocation of social housing
public sector tenants' rights
housing disrepair
houses in multiple occupation
housing and the family.