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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Text and Materials on Housing Law isbn 9780406966513

Cases and Materials on Housing Law

ISBN13: 9781854319364
ISBN: 1854319361
New Edition ISBN: 0406966516
Published: January 2000
Publisher: Blackstone Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Housing law can increasingly be viewed as the product of both housing and social welfare policies. As such it deals with the poor and vulnerable in society and largely ignores owner occupation to concentrate mainly on rented accommodation - much of it owned by local authorities and housing trusts. This is a comprehensive selection of materials on housing law. The leading cases and statutes are linked together with comments, notes and questions to ensure an effective springboard for stimulating discussion. The book includes cases such as ""Bruton v. London and Quadrant Housing Trust"".

The categories of occupation and the status of occupants; private sector tenancies - classification and status; private sector tenancies -rights and remedies; the allocation of social housing; public sector tenants' rights; homelessness; housing disrepair; houses in multiple occupation; housing and the family. (Part contents)