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Financial Stability Issues

ISBN13: 9789041198785
ISBN: 9041198784
Published: July 2002
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: £268.00

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Drawing on a range of material including exploration of international standards and ""best practices"" in banking and finance, the experience of the US and the UK in planning and implementing reform measures, and the theoretical literature analyzing financial crises and what causes them, this text analyzes the specific financial reforms in four Asian countries: Japan, Indonesia, South Korea and Thailand. Included are ""lessons to be learned"" about crisis detection, containment and prevention. During the course of the analysis, the author reveals fundamental policy areas where meaningful and effective reform can take place.

Part I Introductory considerations respecting a financial crisis - identification and containment: introductory chapter - general characteristics of a financial crisis; the possible subject matter parameters of a regional arrangement. Part II Law-based and institutional failures - case studies: the Japanese banking crisis - historical and regulatory aspects; an examination of the three emerging economies - Indonesia, Korea and Thailand. Part III A possible regional law-based and instituional approach to financial regulation: regional institutionalization and the creation of a ""Zone of Law"" - the context of financial stability/regulation in East Asia; jurisdictional considerations of a regional regulatory instituion in Asia. Annexes: macroeconomic variables causing a financial crisis; the early warning system based on the ""Macroeconomic Approach""; the Japanese financial structure; post World War II macroeconomic and legislative background of japan; comparison of definitions of nonperforming loans in japan; issues for the international financial system in handling a financial crisis.

Series: International Banking, Finance and Economic Law

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International Trade in Financial Services: The NAFTA Provisions ISBN 9789041197542
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Development of Banking Law in the Greater China Area ISBN 9789041109484
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International Bank Insolvencies: A Central Bank Perspective ISBN 9789041197283
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Intellectual Property System: Commentary and Materials ISBN 9789041193223
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International Securities Law: Contemporary & Comparative Analysis ISBN 9789041197382
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Emerging Markets Debt
Ross P. BuckleyCo-Director, Centre for Transnational Business Law, Bond University, Australia
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Consumer Protection in Financial Services ISBN 9789041197177
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