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The Reform of the International Financial Architecture

ISBN13: 9789041198020
ISBN: 9041198024
Published: December 2000
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: £248.00

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The current institutional framework for economic co-operation was designed in the 1940s, in the context of war, to promote the peaceful coexistence of nations. Many of the institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, have served the international community well over the years. However, changes in the quantity and quality of capital flows, and, in particular, criticism of the manner in which these institutions handled the East Asian and Russian financial crises, have triggered a debate about the need for reform of the international financial and monetary system.;This work offers a comprehensive legal overview of various aspects of the reform debate, analyzing the proposed parameters of the new financial architecture, the legal infrastructure in emerging economies, and the challenges that the international institutions face in the 21st century. The three main parts of the book focus on the reform of the international institutional framework, the prevention and resolution of liquidity crises, and the approaches taken by European Union institutions.;The book brings together a panel of experts from practice and academia and should be of interest to academics, policy-makers, and practitioners in the financial world. This volume is one of a number of works containing the results of a global series of high-level conferences held in 1999, on the topic of ""Financial Crises and the New International Financial Architecture"".

Preface. The Future of Global Financial Regulation and Supervision; W.P. Cooke. Foreword. The Interconnection of Trade and Monetary Organizations; J.H. Jackson. Part I: Introduction.
1. Pondering the Parameters of the `New International Financial Architecture': A Legal Perspective; J.J. Norton.
2. The Legal Architecture of Emerging Markets; J.W. Salacuse.
3. The Bretton Woods Institutions in the 21st Century; R.M. Lastra. Part II: The International Institutional Framework.
4. The Reform of the International Monetary Fund: Conditionality and Surveillance; F. Gianviti.
5. An International Financial Regulator?; H. Evans.
6. A New International Architecture and the Financial Stability Forum; G. Walker.
7. Regulatory Aspects: Globalisation, Harmonisation, Legal Transplants and Law Reform; L.A. Mistelis.
8. Stock Markets and the Globalization of Retirement Savings: Implications of Privatization of Government Pensions for Securities Regulators; R.S. Karmel. Part III: Liquidity Crises: Public and Private Sector Involvement.
9. Liquidity Crises; T.C. Baxter, J.H. Sommer.
10. A Lawyer's Perspective on the New Financial Architecture; L.C. Buchheit.
11. Promoting Stability in International Finance: Legislative and Regulatory Reform of Payment and Settlement Systems; B. Geva.
12. Ten Years of Economic Reforms in Russia: Windows in a Wall; C. Lang, S. Weber. Part IV: Regional Responses.
13. European Financial Regulation; P. Clarotti.
14. The ESCB and its Role in Banking Supervision; A. Sainz de Vicuna.
15. Implementation of International Standards: The EBRD's Approach to Strengthening Good Corporate Governance; N. Seiler. Index.

Series: International Banking, Finance and Economic Law

Reinsurance Regulation: A Contemporary and Comparative Study ISBN 9789041198891
Published February 2003
Kluwer Law International
Financial Stability Issues ISBN 9789041198785
Published July 2002
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International Financial Sector Reform
ISBN 9789041198624
Published June 2002
Kluwer Law International
Derivatives Law and Regulation
Rasiah GengarathanLaw School, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
ISBN 9789041198365
Published May 2001
Kluwer Law International
Chinese Banking Law and Foreign Financial Institutions
Zhongfei ZhouCentre for Commercial Law Studies, University of London
ISBN 9789041198389
Published April 2001
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International Banking Regulation, Law Policy & Practice ISBN 9789041197948
Published January 2001
Kluwer Law International
Modern Financial Techniques, Derivatives and Law ISBN 9789041197818
Published June 2000
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Korean Bank Regulation and Supervision ISBN 9789041197788
Published March 2000
Kluwer Law International
International Trade in Financial Services: The NAFTA Provisions ISBN 9789041197542
Published January 2000
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Development of Banking Law in the Greater China Area ISBN 9789041109484
Published December 1999
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International Bank Insolvencies: A Central Bank Perspective ISBN 9789041197283
Published September 1999
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Intellectual Property System: Commentary and Materials ISBN 9789041193223
Published August 1999
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International Securities Law: Contemporary & Comparative Analysis ISBN 9789041197382
Published August 1999
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Emerging Markets Debt
Ross P. BuckleyCo-Director, Centre for Transnational Business Law, Bond University, Australia
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Consumer Protection in Financial Services ISBN 9789041197177
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