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In-House Lawyers' Ethics: Institutional Logics, Legal Risk and the Tournament of Influence

ISBN13: 9781509944323
Published: February 2021
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2018)
Price: £33.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781509905942

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This book provides an empirically grounded, in-depth investigation of the ethical dimensions to in-house practice and how legal risk is defined and managed by in-house lawyers and others. The growing significance and status of the role of General Counsel has been accompanied by growth in legal risk as a phenomenon of importance. In-house lawyers are regularly exhorted to be more commercial, proactive and strategic, to be business leaders and not (mere) lawyers, but they are increasingly exposed for their roles in organisational scandals. This book poses the question: how far does going beyond being a lawyer conflict with or entail being more ethical? It explores the role of in-housers by calling on three key pieces of empirical research: two tranches of interviews with senior in-house lawyers and senior compliance staff; and an unparalleled large survey of in-house lawyers.

On the basis of this evidence, the authors explore how ideas about in-house roles shape professional logics; how far professional notions such as independence play a role in those logics; and the ways in which ethical infrastructure are managed or are absent from in-house practice. It concludes with a discussion of whether and how in-house lawyers and their regulators need to take professionalism and professional ethicality more seriously.

Legal Practice Management
1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. The In-House Lawyer and Their Place in Networks
4. The Tournament of Influence: Saying 'No' and The Independent In-House Lawyer
5. Competing Logics – A Look at Risk
6. Ethics and Legal Risk Management
7. Striking the Balance: Identity and Orientation
8. Mapping the Moral Compass: Orientations, Infrastructure
9. The Ecologies of In-House Ethicality