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In-House Lawyers' Ethics: Institutional Logics, Legal Risk and the Tournament of Influence

ISBN13: 9781509905942
Published: November 2018
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £80.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781509944323

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This book will provide an empirically grounded (qualitative and quantitative), in-depth investigation of how legal risk is defined and managed by in-house lawyers and others, and the ethical dimensions to legal risk management.

The growth in legal risk as a phenomenon of importance has been accompanied by the growing significance and status of the role of General Counsel. Numbers of in-house lawyers in England & Wales have more than doubled since 2002. In-house lawyers are regularly exhorted to be commercial, proactive and strategic, to be business leaders and not (mere) lawyers.

This study explores their role by calling on 3 key pieces of empirical research: (i) interviews with 34 senior in-house lawyers and senior compliance staff in large corporates; (ii) a large online survey of in-house lawyers; and (iii) additional interviews with further in-house lawyers.

On the basis of this evidence, the authors explore how ethical infrastructure is managed and what role there is or should be for the regulation of in-house lawyers.

Legal Practice Management
1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. The In-House Lawyer and Their Place in Networks
4. The Tournament of Influence: Saying `No' and The Independent In-House Lawyer
5. Competing Logics - A Look at Risk
6. Ethics and Legal Risk Management
7. Striking the Balance: Identity and Orientation
8. Mapping the Moral Compass: Orientations, Infrastructure
9. The Ecologies of In-House Ethicality