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Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration 2015

Edited by: Antoine Duval, Antonio Rigozzi

ISBN13: 9789462651289
Published: October 2016
Publisher: T.M.C. Asser Press
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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The Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration is the first academic publication aiming to offer comprehensive coverage, on a yearly basis, of the most recent and salient developments regarding international sports arbitration, through a combination of general articles and case notes.

The present volume covers decisions rendered by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) and national courts in 2015. It is a must-have for sports lawyers and arbitrators, as well as researchers engaged in this field. It provides in-depth articles on burning issues raised by international sports arbitration, and independent commentaries by esteemed academics and seasoned practitioners on the most important decisions of the CAS (e.g. the Dutee Chand case) and national courts (e.g. the Pechstein and Wilhelmshaven decision rendered by the OLG Munchen and OLG Bremen in Germany).

Sports Law
Part I.General Articles.-1.Assessing the Usefulness and Legitimacy of CAS.-2.The Influence of Common Law Traditions on the Practice and Procedure before the CAS.-3.The Validity of Analytical Science in Anti-Doping - A Scientific and Legal Challenge.-4.The sell-on clause in football: recent cases and evolutions.-5.CAS Provisional and Conservatory Measures and Other Options to be Granted Interim Legal Relief.-6.The Basketball Arbitral Tribunal - An overview of its process and decisions.-Part II. Commentaries of CAS Awards.-7.CAS 2013/A/3365 Juventus FC v. Chelsea FC and CAS 2013/A/3366 A.S. Livorno Calcio S.p.A. v. Chelsea FC, Award of 21 January 2015.-8.CAS 2014/A/3486, MFK Dubnica v. FC Parma, Award of 2 February 2015.-9.TAS 2011/A/2578, OGC Nice Cote d'Azur & Yannick Dos Santos Djalo v. FIFA, Order on Provisional Measures of 11 October 2011 - CAS 2013/A/3647, Sporting Clube de Portugal SAD v. OGC Nice Cote d'Azur & - CAS 2013/A/3648, OGC Nice Cote d'Azur v. Sporting Clube de Portugal SAD & FIFA, Award of 11 May 2015.-10.CAS 2014/A/3832 & 3833, Vanessa Vanakorn v. Federation Internationale de Ski (FIS), Award of 19 June 2015.-11.CAS 2015/A/3874, Football Association of Albania v. UEFA & Football Association of Serbia, Award of 10 July 2015 & CAS 2015/A/3875, Football Association of Serbia v. UEFA, Award of 10 July 2015.-12.CAS 2014/A/3759, Dutee Chand v. AFI & IAAF, 24 July 2015.- 13.CAS 2014/A/3474, Clube de Regatas do Flamengo v. Confederacao Brasileira de Futebol (CBF) & Superior Tribunal de Justica Desportiva (STJD), Award of 5 October 2015.-14.CAS 2014/A/3730, FK Bohemians Praha v. FA Czech Republic, Award of 22 December 2015.-Part III. Commentaries of Decisions of National Courts.-15.Oberlandesgericht Bremen, 2 U 67/14, SV Wilhelmshaven v. Norddeutscher Fussball-Verband e.V, 30 December 2014.-16.Oberlandesgericht Munchen, Az. U 1110/14 Kart, Claudia Pechstein v/ International Skating Union (ISU), 15 January 2015.-17.Swiss Federal Tribunal Jurisprudence on CAS - Erika Hasler & Yann Haffner.