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The Right to Health: a Multi-country Study of Law, Policy and Practice

Edited by: Brigit Toebes, Milan M. Markovic, Rhonda Ferguson, Obiajulu i Nnamuchi

ISBN13: 9789462650138
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: Germany
Format: Hardback
Price: £129.99

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This interdisciplinary study engages with the fields of human rights law, health law, and public health. It analyses how the internationally guaranteed human 'right to health' is realized by States at a national level. It brings together scholars from more than ten different countries, with each of them analyzing the right to health in their country or region. They all focus on a particular theme that is important in their country, such as health inequalities, the Millennium Development Goals, or the privatization of healthcare. This book is relevant for scholars, practitioners and policy makers in the field of human rights law, health law, public health and the intersection between these three fields.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Medical Law and Bioethics
Health and Millennium Development Goals in Africa: Deconstructing the Thorny Path to Success
Ensuring the Realization of the Right to Health through the African Union (AU) System: A Review of its Normative, Policy and Institutional Frameworks
Equality and the Right to Health: A Preliminary Assessment of China
The Right to Health in Japan: its implications and challenges
Codification and implementation of the Right to Health in the Arab World
The right to health and access to health care in Saudi Arabia with a particular focus on the women and migrants
The Realization of the Right to Health for Refugees in Jordan
The Right to Health: the Next American Dream
The Brazilian Human Rights Indicators System: The Case of the Right to Health
Aboriginal-specific Health Initiatives and Accessible Health Care in Canada
are goodwill initiatives enough
The Right to Health in Peru: persistent vulnerabilities in the context of HIV/AIDS
The Right to Health for Vulnerable and Marginalised Groups: Russia as a Case Study
The Challenges to Realising the Right to Health in Ireland
Dutch Realities: Evaluating Dutch Health Care Reform from a Human Rights Perspective.