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Property and Trust Law in Cyprus

ISBN13: 9789403527307
Published: August 2020
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £67.00

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Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of the law of property in Cyprus deals with the issues related to rights and interests in all kinds of property and assets – immovable, movable, and personal property; how property rights are acquired; fiduciary mechanisms; and security considerations. Lawyers who handle transnational disputes and other matters concerning property will appreciate the explanation of specific terminology, application, and procedure.

An introduction outlining the essential legal, cultural, and historical considerations affecting property is followed by a discussion of the various types of property. Further analysis describes how and to what extent legal subjects can have or obtain rights and interests in each type. The coverage includes tangible and intangible property, varying degrees of interest, and the various ways in which property is transferred, including the ramifications of appropriation, expropriation, and insolvency. Facts are presented in such a way that readers who are unfamiliar with specific terms and concepts in varying contexts will fully grasp their meaning and significance. The book includes ample references to doctrine and cases, as well as to relevant international treaties and conventions.

Its succinct yet scholarly nature, as well as the practical quality of the information it provides, make this book a valuable time-saving tool for any practitioner faced with a property-related matter. Lawyers representing parties with interests in Cyprus will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative property law.

European Jurisdictions, Cyprus
List of Abbreviations
General Introduction
Part I. Immovable Property and Real Property
Chapter 1. General Classification of Property Rights
Chapter 2. Legal Interests
Chapter 3. Equitable Interests
Chapter 4. Limited Interests
Chapter 5. Security Interests (See also Parts II, IV and V)
Chapter 6. Joint Ownership
Chapter 7. Neighbourhood and Urban Problems
Chapter 8. Agrarian Problems
Chapter 9. The Legal Framework of State Guardianship
Part II. Movable Property and Personal Property/Chattels
Chapter 1. General Classification
Chapter 2. Legal Interests
Chapter 3. Equitable Interests
Chapter 4. Security Interests (See Also Parts I, IV and V)
Part III. Acquisition of Property Rights
Chapter 1. Transfer of Property by Contract Inter Vivos
Chapter 2. Transfer of Property on Death
Chapter 3. Possession
Chapter 4. Accession
Chapter 5. Appropriation
Chapter 6. Expropriation
Chapter 7. Insolvency
Part IV. Trust and Fiduciary Mechanisms
Chapter 1. Administration of Property: Fiducia Cum Amico
Chapter 2. Security: Fiducia Cum Creditore (See also Parts I, II and V)
Part V. Security
Chapter 1. Securities in Immovable Property (See Also Parts I and IV)
Chapter 2. Securities in Movable Property
Chapter 3. Fixed and Floating Charges over the Assets of a Company
Selected Bibliography
Table of Cases