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A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2021 isbn 9789403535241

Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2020

Edited by: Alex Calissendorff, Patrick Scholdstrom

ISBN13: 9789403524108
New Edition ISBN: 9789403535241
Previous Edition ISBN: 9789403506920
Published: November 2020
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £138.00

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Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook, an annual publication, launched under the auspices of the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law, is fabricated to meet the information needs of arbitration practitioners and parties worldwide. Each year, Stockholm is the arbitration seat of choice for numerous parties aspiring to resolve international disputes. It is the second most used venue for investment disputes, and it is often the venue for disputes arising from the Energy Charter Treaty.

What’s in this book:

The present edition provides authoritative chapters, some of them with a Swedish angle, that address current matters of global concern in arbitration, including the following:

  • dispute resolution in the financial sector
  • emergency arbitration
  • recent Swedish case law related to arbitration and in particular one seminal case
  • arbitrator liability
  • the right to a public hearing in arbitration, and
  • squeeze-out arbitration

How this will help you:

The Yearbook furnishes both a perspective and an in-depth analyses that will be appreciated by arbitration practitioners, counsel and judges deciding arbitration cases. It will also provide valuable insights for arbitration academics, in-house counsel at multinational companies and arbitral institutions worldwide.

Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
CHAPTER 1. Swedish Arbitration-Related Case Law 2019–2020
Christer Danielsson
CHAPTER 2. ISDA and ADR: A Brief History of a Long Relationship
Jeffrey Golden
CHAPTER 3. A Negotiation Perspective on the Agreement to Arbitrate and Its Completion
Eric M. Runesson
CHAPTER 4. Harmonising Cultural Differences in International Arbitration: The Role of Parties’ Reasonable Expectations and Counsel’s Ethical Rules
Patrick Taylor, Shreya Aren & Alma M. Mozetic
CHAPTER 5. The Belgor Case: Towards an Extensive Interpretation and Application of Arbitration Agreements
Anders Reldén & Jacob Frank
CHAPTER 6. Expedited Arbitration Rules for Investment Disputes: ICSID Amendment Process and UNCITRAL Working Group II
Crina Baltag
CHAPTER 7. COVID-19 and the Embracing of Technology: A ‘New Normal’ for International Arbitration
Matthew Saunders
CHAPTER 8. Emergency Arbitration: A Maturing and Evolving Procedure
Eva Storskrubb
CHAPTER 9 The Right to a Public Hearing in Arbitration in Light of ECtHR Judgments
Daria Kozlowska-Rautiainen
CHAPTER 10. Fast Track Arbitration in the Nordics: Where Do We Go from Here?
Ola Ø. Nisja
CHAPTER 11. Recent Finnish Supreme Court Case Law in the Arbitration Landscape
Kirsi Kannaste & Laura Tuure
CHAPTER 12. Court Control on Arbitral Awards: Public Policy, Uniform Application of EU Law and Arbitrability
Giuditta Cordero-Moss
CHAPTER 13. Sovereign Immunity from Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards: Sweden’s Liberal and Pragmatic Contribution
Ylli Dautaj
CHAPTER 14. Approaches to Arbitrators’ Liability: Immunity or Liability?
Sarah Schæffer
CHAPTER 15. Squeeze-Out Arbitration: A Comparative Analysis Between Finland and Sweden
Ville Pönkä