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A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2020 isbn 9789403524108

Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2019

Edited by: Alex Calissendorff, Patrick Scholdstrom

ISBN13: 9789403506920
New Edition ISBN: 9789403524108
Published: August 2019
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £131.00

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Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook offers content that is of interest for the wider international arbitration community and addresses current issues of global concern. Each year, Stockholm is the arbitration seat of choice for numerous parties endeavouring to resolve international disputes, both ad hoc arbitration and cases administered by the SCC Arbitration Institute, the ICC and other arbitral institutions. It is the second most used venue for investment disputes, and it is often the venue for disputes arising from the Energy Charter Treaty. This new annual publication, launched under the auspices of the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law, is designed to meet the information needs of arbitration practitioners and parties from all over the world.

This first edition of the Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook provides authoritative articles, some of them with a Swedish angle, that address current matters of global concern in arbitration, including the following:

  • multi-appointment bias;
  • cross-examination and advocacy in arbitration;
  • due process: paranoia or prudence?;
  • robots as arbitrators;
  • security for costs and third-party funding in investment arbitration; and
  • the ‘Arbitration Station’ podcast.
Recent developments in Swedish arbitration-related case law are summarized. The 2019 changes in the Swedish Arbitration Act are presented.

Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
1. Swedish Arbitration-Related Case Law 2017–2019, Christer Danielsson
2. The 2019 Changes in the Swedish Arbitration Act, Patrik Schöldström
3. Cross-Examination in International Arbitration, Kaj Hobér
4. Arbitrations, Multiple References and Apparent Bias: A Case Study of Halliburton Co v. Chubb Bermuda Insurance Ltd (2018), Ewan McKendrick QC
5. Too Early to Decide? An Examination of Dispositive Motions in International Arbitration, Alison Tibell
6. Moving Beyond Diversity Toward Inclusion in International Arbitration, Lucy Greenwood
7. Can a Robot Be an Arbitrator?, James Hope
8. Due Process Paranoia or Prudence?, Robin Oldenstam
9. Some Thoughts on Advocacy in International Arbitration: Key Note Speech, Swedish Arbitration Days 2018, Claes Lundblad
10. Article 38 of the SCC Rules: An Analysis of Security for Costs in TPF Arbitration, Bruno Gustafsson
11. Combating Due Process Paranoia in Swedish Arbitration, Oskar Gentele
12. Podcasting Arbitration: Two Years with the ‘Arbitration Station’, Joel Dahlquist Cullborg & Brian Kotick