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Synbio and Human Health: A Challenge to the Current IP Framework?

Edited by: Inigo de Miguel Beriain, Carlos Maria Romeo-Casabona

ISBN13: 9789401791953
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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Since 2010, the Inter-university chair in law and the Human Genome has been involved in an EU 7th Framework Programme funded Project called Sybhel, leading work package 5. The aim of this work package was to face the issues related to synthetic biology and intellectual property rights. In these years, the Chair organized two international workshops devoted to this topic, collecting a number of high level unpublished papers redacted by some of the most prominent experts in this field worldwide, including Stephen Maurer, Joachim Henkel, Ingrid Schneider, etc. We consider that it would be extremely interesting to have them all gathered in a unique contributed volume, which would be the first book exclusively dedicated to analyze the implications that Synbio may involve in what refers to the currently existing intellectual property rights system.

Intellectual Property Law
1. Synthetic biology in health and disease Mark W.J. van Passel, Carolyn M.C. Lam, Vitor A.P. Martins dos Santos, Maria Suarez Diez
2. Synthetic Biology: Solving the Pharmaceutical Indus-try's Innovation Problems? Joachim Henkel, Robert Luttke
3. Synthetic biology and global health in the age of intellectual property Henk van den Belt
4. Synthetic biology and IP: how do definitions of "products of nature" affect its implications for health? David Koepsell
5. Synthetic biology, protection of human health and freedom of scientific research .From biotech patents to open source models: managing human genetics resources. Anna Falcone
6. Patents and living matter: the construction of a patent system attractive to Biotechnology Ana Paula Myszczuk, JussaraMaria Leal de Meirelles
7. Patents Originating in Human Tissue and Data: questions on benefit creating and benefit sharing, on morality and proper-ty. David Townend
8. Patenting Synbio in Anglo-America and Europe: Chaos or Opportunity Amina Agovic
9. Synthetic Biology: Challenges and Legal Questions Jurgen Robienski, Jurgen Simon
10. Exclusions and Exceptions to Patent Eligibility Revisited: Examining the Political Functions of the "Discovery" and "Ordre Public" Clauses in the European Patent Convention with Special Respect to Synthetic Biology Ingrid Schneider
11. Patentability, Synthetic Biology and human genome Carlos Maria Romeo Casabona
12. Patentability of synthetic biology under the European Patent Convention (EPC) Francisco J. Fernandez y Branas
13. Synthetic Biology and IP Rights: In Defence of the Patent System Inigo De Miguel Beriain
14. Stepping Stones: Extending the Open Source Idea to Synthetic Biology Stephen M. Maurer Index