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Multiparty Arbitration

Edited by: Bernard Hanotiau, Eric E. Schwartz

ISBN13: 9789041160973
Previous Edition ISBN: 9789284200832
Published: January 2010
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Paperback
Price: £95.00

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More than one third of ICC international arbitrations involve complex multiparty and multi-contract issues.

Dossier VII of the ICC Institute of World Business Law, Multiparty Arbitration, provides a thought-provoking review of some of the issues raised by these disputes, including: the role of arbitrators, extension of arbitration clauses to non-signatories and enforcement problems. The book also contains a chapter detailing recent ICC experiences with multi-party disputes.

Contributors to this dossier include Yves Derains, Stephen Bond, Pierre Mayer and Gerald Aksen.

Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
FOREWORD by Serge Lazareff
INTRODUCTION: Multiparty Arbitration by Bernard Hanotiau, co-editor
1. Fernando Mantilla-Serrano: Multiple parties and multiple contracts: divergent or comparable issues?
2. Stephen R. Bond: Dépeçage or consolidation of the disputes resulting from connected agreements: the role of the arbitrator
3. Kristof Cox: Dépeçage or consolidation of the disputes resulting from connected agreements: the role of the judge
4. Karim Youssef: The limits of consent: the right or obligation to arbitrate of non-signatories in groups of companies
5. John M. Townsend: Extending an arbitration clauses to a non-signatory claimant or a non-signatory defendant. does it make a difference?
6. Georgios Petrochilos: The extention of the arbitration clauses to a non-signatory state or state entities: Does it raise different issues?
7. Yves Derains: Is there a group of companies doctrine?
8. Sébastien Besson: Piercing the corporate veil: back on the right track
9. Simon Greenberg, José Ricardo Feris and Christian Albanesi: Consolidation, joinder and cross-claims: multi-party and multi-contract arbitration-recent ICC experience
10. S.I Strong: Class arbitration outside the United States: reading the tea leaves
11. Gerard Asken: Class actions in arbitration and enforcement issues: an arbitrator’s point of view
12. Pierre Mayer: The effects of awards rendered in multiparty-multicontract situations
CONCLUDING REMARKS by Eric A. Schwartz, Co-Editor


Series: ICC Institute Dossiers

Explaining Why You Lost: Reasoning in Arbitration (eBook) ISBN 9789403529042
Published November 2020
Kluwer Law International
Out of print
Explaining Why You Lost: Reasoning in Arbitration ISBN 9789403529035
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Kluwer Law International
Expedited Procedures in International Arbitration ISBN 9789284204403
Published December 2017
International Chamber of Commerce
Dossier XI: The Application of Substantive Law by International Arbitrators ISBN 9789041161017
Published October 2014
Kluwer Law International
Third Party Funding in International Arbitration ISBN 9789284202027
Published November 2013
International Chamber of Commerce
Third Party Funding in International Arbitration ISBN 9789041161000
Published November 2013
Kluwer Law International
Out of print
Players’ Interaction in International Arbitration ISBN 9789041160997
Published September 2012
Kluwer Law International
Players’ Interaction in International Arbitration ISBN 9789284201679
Published September 2012
International Chamber of Commerce
Is Arbitration Only As Good as the Arbitrator? Status, Powers and Role of the Arbitrator ISBN 9789284201099
Published March 2012
International Chamber of Commerce
Is Arbitration Only As Good as the Arbitrator? Status, Powers and Role of the Arbitrator ISBN 9789041160980
Published March 2012
Kluwer Law International
Written Evidence and Discovery in International Arbitration: New Issues and Tendencies ISBN 9789284200627
Published September 2009
International Chamber of Commerce
Out of print
Interests, Auxiliary and Alternative Remedies in International Arbitration ISBN 9789041131829
Published July 2008
ICC (Kluwer)
Arbitration and Oral Evidence ISBN 9789041125828
Published July 2006
Kluwer Law International
Parallel State and Arbitral Procedures in International Arbitration ISBN 9789041125811
Published July 2006
Kluwer Law International
Evaluation of Damages in International Arbitration ISBN 9789041160942
Published June 2006
Kluwer Law International