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Arbitration in England: Including Chapters on Scotland and Ireland

Edited by: Julian Lew, Harris Bor, Gregory Fullelove, Joanne Greenaway

ISBN13: 9789041139986
Published: July 2013
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: Hardcover
Price: £223.00

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England is a leading centre for arbitration, both international and domestic, arising out of all manner of contractual disputes and industry sectors. This book comprises contributions from well-known arbitration practitioners and scholars who present, in a straightforward and readable fashion, the rich and varied nature of arbitration in England today. The early chapters describe the development of the arbitral system in England and its traditional leading institutions, the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb). They also provide a unique focus on the specialist areas of commodity, maritime, construction and sports arbitration. The remainder of the book deals with the law and practice of arbitration in England and concludes with two additional overview chapters relating to arbitration in Scotland and the Republic of Ireland respectively. Insightful and practical guidance is given in relation to a number of key areas, including:

  • appointing and challenging arbitrators;
  • applicable law and the influence of EU law;
  • the role of the court, including anti-suit and anti-arbitration injunctions and interim relief;
  • arbitration procedure and practice in ad hoc and institutional arbitrations; ;
  • duties of arbitrators and counsel;
  • factual and expert evidence, including privilege and electronic document production;
  • challenges to, and appeals from, awards;
  • recognition and enforcement of awards; and
  • multilateral and bilateral investment treaty arbitration.

Anyone whose pursuits or responsibilities require knowledge of arbitration in England – including practitioners, in-house counsel, business persons, academics, and students around the world – will benefit enormously from this thorough study and analysis of contemporary arbitration practice in the jurisdiction.

Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
1. Development of the Arbitral System in England.
2. Relevant Aspects of the English Legal System.
3. Arbitration in Context.
4. The London Court of International Arbitration.
5. The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators.
6. Ad Hoc Arbitrations.
7. Commodity Arbitration.
8. Maritime Arbitration.
9. Engineering and Construction Arbitration.
10. Sports Arbitration.
11. The English Statutory Framework.
12. Applicable Substantive Law.
13. The Application of EU Law to Arbitration in England.
14. Multilateral and Bilateral Investment Treaties and the United Kingdom.
15. Duties of Arbitrators.
16. Challenges to and Replacement of Arbitrators.
17. . Rights and Duties of the Parties and Counsel.
18. International Arbitration in England: A Procedural Overview.
19. Arbitrability.
20. Support and Supervision by the Courts.
21. Confidentiality in Arbitrations in England.
22. Multi-party and Multi-contract Arbitration.
23. Factual Evidence.
24. Expert Evidence.
25. Challenges to Arbitration Awards.
26. Enforcement of Awards.
27. Arbitration in Scotland.
28. Arbitration Law in Ireland.

Series: Arbitration in...

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Arbitration in China: A Practitioner's Gude (eBook) ISBN 9789041168276
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Arbitration in Turkey ISBN 9789041149817
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Arbitration in Switzerland: A Practitioner's Handbook ISBN 9789041133779
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Arbitration in Africa: A Practitioner's Guide ISBN 9789041135209
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