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Renewable Energy Sources: A Chance to Combat Climate Change

ISBN13: 9789041128706
Published: September 2009
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: The Netherlands
Format: Hardback
Price: £173.00

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Everybody knows that climate change is one of the greatest threats facing the planet. The costs of failure to act are becoming unthinkable. Yet we know now that if developed countries agree to cut their collective emissions by 30% by 2020, annual economic growth would be trimmed by less than 0.2% – a small price to pay to avoid the potential long-term costs of climate change. Moreover, it is easy to appreciate the positive value of other benefits such as reduced air pollution, security of energy supply at predictable prices, and improved competitiveness through innovation.

Now, for the growing number of enterprises and investors committed to combating climate change with renewable energy technologies, here at last is a minutely detailed analysis of the opportunities and obstacles involved in developing a coherent and effective business strategy. Beginning with an in-depth and up-to-date overview of what we know about the climate change issue, the author goes on to an extensive survey of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), both existing and under development. Recognizing that, in the current state of global awareness, the European Union has taken by far the largest steps in tackling the enormous problems entailed by climate change, she explores in unprecedented detail the various “green” energy incentives and support schemes available under various programs available both at EU level and in each of the 27 Member States.

Both project developers and investors will find out here exactly how to:

  • significantly reduce the main market entry barrier – high costs;
  • exploit synergies and avoid negative spillover effects through coordinated action;
  • draw on all available policy levers, fiscal policies, structural and financial market reforms and external action; vensure full coherence between immediate actions and the EU’s medium- to longer term objectives;
  • take full account of the global nature of the problem and shape the EU’s contribution to international responses;
  • comply with technical provisions for monitoring, reporting and verification; and
  • discern investment trends in the RES markets.
Providing both knowledge of the industry and of relevant investment instruments, Renewable Energy Sources will serve as a powerful liaison between project developers and investors in the renewable energy market. Interested companies and their counsel will find here a ready reference for information on sources of equity/venture capital, detailed knowledge of available subsidies, business expansion strategies, viable investment options, and advantageous networks.

Environmental Law, Energy and Natural Resources Law
I. Introduction.
II. The Climate Change Issue: An Overview.
1. Definition of Climate Change.
2. International Conventions Concerning the Climate Change Issue.
3. Observed Effects and Impacts of Climate Change.
4. Actions Taken by the International Community.
5. Adaptation to and Mitigation of Climate Change.
III. The Role of the European Union (EU).
1. Overview.
2. European Energy Policy.
3. The EU Renewable Energy Roadmap.
4. Second Strategic Energy Review: An EU Energy Security and Solidarity Action Plan.
5. Communication of the Commission in View of Copenhagen 2009.
IV. Renewable Energy: A Chance to Combat Climate Change.
1. Introduction.
2. Overview of Existing Energy Sources.
3. Costs, Advantages and Disadvantages of the Different (Renewable) Energy Sources.
4. Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and their Markets.
5. Renewable Energy Targets: Progress to Date.
V. EU State Aid Policy and its Programs for Renewable Energy Investments.
1. European State Aid Policy: A Brief Overview.
2. EU Regulations in View of State Aid.
3. Community Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection.
4. Financing Mechanisms and Institutions in the European Union.
5. Current EU Funding Programs for Renewable Energy.
VI. National Instruments and Policies to Promote Renewable Energy Sources (RES).
1. Introduction.
2. National Instruments to Promote Renewable Energy Sources (RES).
3. National Policies to Promote Renewable Energy Sources (RES).
VII. Promotion Schemes and Feed-in Tariffs for Renewable Energy Sources within the EU-27: A Detailed Country Analysis.
VIII. Conclusion and Outlook.
List of abbreviations

Series: Climate Change Law, Policy & Practice